University of Virginia Library


[Jesus, the Lord most high]

Jesus, the Lord most high,
Thy poorest servant own,
And give me strength to glorify,
And serve my God alone;
Inspired with humble fear,
And principled with grace,
My earthly master to revere,
As standing in Thy place.
Thine acceptable will
(If Thou the power impart)
In his I cheerfully fulfil,
And with a single heart:
Not with eye-service vain
A flatter'd worm to please,
But God, who knows what is in men,
And all our motives sees.


Whate'er for man I do,
I do as to the Lord,
From God the merciful and true
Expecting my reward:
And whether bond or free,
I know Thou wilt approve,
And crown our services to Thee
With Thy eternal love.