University of Virginia Library

But Oberon, ceased from this Worlds Life; which like
Is to spark fanned by transitory breath;
And his cold clay, laid in dark mound of Earth:
Which waits all offspring gendered of Her Breast:
Fair Albions launds, wolds, hills, brown heaths and woods:
Give no more back, blithe Faerie Lands, careless voices,
Of former days.
Moreover, a new care
Befel them; which it paineth to relate:
How storm-beat many-minded alien kin;


Of wéaponed men, séa-folk, sailed in from North Main;
Storm-driven, were cast to shore in unknown Alban:
Which seeing, a land untilled, before them, fair;
Went up with swords and spears, it to possess.
But hástily elf-fólk, those men of státure seen;
Withdrawn were to West Parts' waste hills and heaths.