University of Virginia Library


June 26 PRAYER

But we will give ourselves continually to prayer.”— Acts vi. 4.

Father, I cannot choose but pray
Because I do belong to Thee,
Thy child, though often far astray
In sunshine which I will not see;
And so my spirit rushes out
In words or with a simple cry,
Which feels 'mid all its darkest doubt
The presence of Eternity.
Father, I cannot choose but pray,
There is no other plea or plan
To guide me on the narrow way
And build me to the better man;
I must give forth in hopeful fear
Or silence which is more than speech,
Petitions none but Thou canst hear—
To prove the mercy I beseech.
Father, I cannot choose but pray,
It is the only language meant
For souls that nothing else can say,
And whereon all the world has leant;
Yea, and Thy Spirit will make up
My many blanks or even the blot,
And offer Thee the brimming cup
While cleansing every evil spot.