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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 169. Everlasting Rest.

To the Eternal God above
Let us loud praise proclaim;
Since we have tasted of his Love,
Let's glorifie his Name.


A blessed rest he hath in store
For all who are upright,
Where they shall be for evermore
In his eternal light.
All Tears from off our Eyes shall then
Be wiped quite away;
And we shall never mourn agen
On that eternal day.
O then let's fear lest we fall short
Of that sweet resting-place;
For many seem to bid fair for't,
Without one dram of Grace.
Let us truly converted be,
And Oyl have much in store;
For then through thee enter shall we
Before thou shut the door:
And with joy sing unto our King
Eternal Songs above,
And filled all both great and small
With thy eternal Love.