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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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The Authors Dreame.


The Authors Dreame.


My sinnes are like the haires vpon my head,
And raise their Audit to as high a score:
In this they differ: these doe daily shed;
But ah! my sinnes grow daily more and more.
If by my haires thou number out my sins,
Heauen make me bald before the day begins.


My sins are like the sands vpon the Shore,
Which euery ebbe layes open to the eye:
In this they differ: These are couer'd o're
With euerie tyde: My sinnes still open lye.
If thou wilt make my head a sea of teares,
O they will hide the sinnes of all my yeares.


My sins are like the Starres within the skies
In view, in number, euen as bright as great;
In this they differ; These doe set and rise;
But ah! my sins doe rise but neuer set.
Shine Sun of glorie, and my sins are gone
Like twinkling Stars before the rising Sun.
Fr. Qu.