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[Master supreme, I look to Thee]

Master supreme, I look to Thee
For grace and wisdom from above!
Vested with Thy authority,
Endue me with Thy patient love;
That taught, according to Thy will,
To rule my family aright,
I may the' appointed charge fulfil
With all my heart and all my might.


Inferiors as a sacred trust
I from the sovereign Lord receive,
That what is suitable and just
Impartial I to each may give;
O'erlook them with a guardian's eye,
From vice and wickedness restrain,
Mistakes or lesser faults pass by,
And govern with a looser rein.
The servant faithful and discreet
Gentle to him, and good, and mild,
Him I would tenderly entreat,
And scarce distinguish from a child;
Yet let me not my place forsake,
The' occasion of his stumbling prove,
The servant to my bosom take,
And mar him by familiar love.
Order if some invert, confound,
Their Lord's authority betray,
I hearken to the gospel-sound
And trace the providential way,
As far from abjectness as pride,
With condescending dignity:
Jesus, I make Thy word my guide,
And keep the post assign'd by Thee.
O could I emulate the zeal
Thou dost to Thy poor servants bear!
The troubles, griefs, and burdens feel
Of souls entrusted to my care,


In daily prayer to God commend
The souls whom God expired to save,
And think—how soon my sway shall end,
And all be equal in the grave!