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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Article XII. M-2 Industrial Districts.
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Article XII. M-2 Industrial Districts.

Sec. 40. Regulations generally.

The regulations set forth in this article, or set forth elsewhere
in this chapter,[27] when referred to in this article, are
the M-2 industrial district regulations. (2-17-58, § 33-40.)


This Appendix.

Sec. 41. Use regulations.

Any building or premises may be used for any purpose not
in conflict with any ordinance of the City of Charlottesville
regulating nuisances; provided, however, that no building
shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered for residential
purposes except for resident watchmen and caretakers
employed on the premises; provided further, that no building
or occupancy permit shall be issued for any of the following

1. Slaughterhouses, except for poultry and incidental to a
retail store; stockyard, starch, glucose or dextrine manufacture;
horn processing, shell processing, except from cleaned
shells; the curing, tanning or dressing of raw or green salted
hides or skins.

2. Fertilizer manufacture from organic material, or the
compounding of such fertilizers on a commercial scale; the

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preparation on other than an incidental scale of exterminators,
disinfectants, cattle dips, insecticides or serums.

3. Bleaching powder, ammonia or chlorine manufacture.

4. Coal tar manufacture or tar distillation except as
by-products or as incidental to the manufacture of gas for public
distribution; the manufacture of tar or asphalt roofing or
waterproofing; the manufacturing, batching or mixing of asphalt
or bituminous concrete paving materials; the distillation of weed
or bone.

5. Emery cloth or sandpaper manufacture.

6. Manufacture of lime, gypsum, plaster of Paris, lithophene,
linseed oil, linoleum, oiled cloth or oil clothing, or the
impregnation of inflammable fabrics by oxidizing oils.

7. Turpentine, varnish or shellac manufacturing or refining.

8. Gas storage in quantity exceeding five hundred thousand
cubic feet within one hundred feet of any party lot line; or in
quantity exceeding two hundred cubic feet if the pressure is
greater than one hundred pounds per square inch, within fifty
(50) feet of any party line.

9. Oil or gasoline storage in quantity exceeding six thousand
gallons above the ground, unless containers are diked as provided
in section 11-18 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville, 1965.

10. Soap, soda, ash, caustic soda or washing compound

11. Smelting of copper, tin, zinc or aluminum ores.

12. Fat rendering; the preparation or refining of tallow, grease
or lard; the manufacture of candles from animal fats; glue or size
manufacture or processes involving recovery from fish or animal
offal; potash manufacture; petroleum refining; and creosote
manufacture or treatment.

13. Celluloid or pyrezyline manufacture or processing; the
manufacture of explosive or highly inflammable cellulose
products or of acetylene gas on a commercial scale; manufacture
of matches, fireworks or explosives; nitration process; the loading
of explosives or their storage in bulk.

14. Sulphurous, sulphuric, nitric, picric or hydrochloric or
other corrosive or offensive acid manufacture, or their use or


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storage except on a limited scale as accessory to a permitted

15. Areas hereinafter designated or proposed for use for the
"dead" storage of articles or products without shelter and housing
adequate to prevent same from being exposed to the weather,
which have ceased to be useful or suitable for the purpose for
which they are created or produced.

16. Airport or landing field.

17. Riding stables and private stables.

18. Roadside stands and recreational activities for temporary
or seasonable periods.

19. Any other use or purpose which will create or is likely to
create conditions, such as smoke, fumes, noise, odors, dust or
radiation detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of
the community. (2-17-58, § 33-41; 6-5-61; 3-18-74.)

Sec. 42. Height regulations.

The height regulations are the same as in the M-1 restricted
industrial district. (2-17-58, § 33-42.)

Sec. 43. Area regulations.

The front, side and rear yard regulations are the same as in the
M-1 restricted industrial district. (2-17-58, § 33-43.)