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Saviour, let Thy will be done,
Calling me Thy cross to bear:
Thee my heavenly Lord I own,
Cast on Thee my mournful care;
By my bosom-friend distress'd,
In Thy sovereign will I rest.
Persecution for Thy sake
Strengthen'd by Thy grace to' endure,
No complaint to man I make;
Find in God my refuge sure;
Confident, Thy pity hears,
Counts my supplicating tears.
Still mine eyes for him o'erflow
Whom Thyself hast join'd to me:
Partner of my weal and woe,
Can I his destruction see?
See his soul insensible
Madly rushing down to hell?
Summon'd to Thy judgment-seat,
(Who the dreadful thought can bear!)
Must we in Thy presence meet,
Meet to part for ever there?
Must he then receive his hire,
Cursed into eternal fire?
God of love, his doom prevent,
Lengthening out his gracious day:
Give the rebel to relent,
Force his stubborn heart to pray:


Pray Thyself that he may live:
Slay him first; and then forgive.
Let him now unclose his eyes,
Turn'd from Satan's power to Thee,
See the' atoning Sacrifice,
Hear the blood that pleads for me;
Pleads for both, that saved by grace
Both may see Thy glorious face.