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" The Pope, sir," he began, "was as one-
sided to chaunt as to patter, in course. We
had the Greeks (the lately-arrived Irish) down
upon us more than once. In Liverpool-street,
on the night of the meeting at Guildhall about


illustration [Description: 915EAF. Page 227.]
the Papal Aggression, we had a regular skrim-
mage. One gentleman said: ` Really, you
shouldn't sing such improper songs, my men.'
Then up comes another, and he was a little
orusted with port wine, and he says: ` What,
against that cove the Pope! Here, give me
half a dozen of the papers.' The city was tidy
for the patter, sir, or the chaunt; there was
sixpences; but there was shillings at the West
End. And for the first time in their innocent
lives, the parsons came out as stunning patrons
of the patter. One of 'em as we was at work
in the street give a bit of a signal and was
attended to without any parade to the next
street, and was good for half-a-crown! Other
two stopped, that wery same day, and sent a
boy to us with a Joey. Then me and my mate
went to the Rev. W.'s, him as came it so strong
for the fire-works on the Fifth of November.
And we pattered and we pattered, and we
chaunted and we chaunted, but no go for a
goodish bit. His servant said he weren't at
home. In course that wouldn't do for us, so
down he came his-self at last, and says, werry
soft: ` Come to-morrow morning, my men,
and there'll be two gentlemen to hear you.'
We stuck to him for something in hand, but
he said the business had cost him so much
already, he really couldn't. Well, we bounced
a bob out of him, and didn't go near him again.
After all we did for his party, a shilling was
black ingratitude. Of course we has no feeling
either for or agin the Pope. We goes to it as
at an election; and let me tell you, sir, we got
very poorly paid, it couldn't be called paid, for
working for Lord John at the City Election;
and I was the original of the live rats, which
took well. But there's a good time coming to
pay Lord Johnny off.

" Some of the tunes — there's no act of par-
liament about tunes, you know, sir — was stun-
ners on the fiddle; as if a thousand bricks was
falling out of a cart at once. I think ` The
Pope and Cardinal Wiseman,' one of the first
of the songs, did as well as any. This werse
was greatly admired: —

` Now Lord John Russell did so bright,
to the Bishop of Durham a letter write
Saying while I've a hand I'll fight,
The pope and cardinal wiseman,
Lord John's ancestor as I tell,
Lord William Russell then known well
His true religion would not sell,
A martyr he in glory fell,
And now Lord John so bold and free,
Has got a rope as we may see,
To hang up on each side of a tree,
The pope and cardinal wiseman.'

"This finishing werse, too, was effective, and
out came a few browns: —

` Now we don't care a fig for Rome,
why can't they let the girls alone,
And mind their business at home,
the pope and cardinal wiseman.
With their monsical red cardinals hat,
And lots of wafers in a sack,
If they come here with all their clack,
we'll wound them fil fal la ra whack,
In England they shall not be loose,
Their hum bugging is all no use,
If they come here we'll cook their goose,
The pope and Cardinal Wiseman.


Monks and Nuns and fools afloat,
We'll have no bulls shoved down our throat,
Cheer up and shout down with the Pope,
And his bishop cardinal Wiseman.'

" Then there was another, sir. `The Pope
he is coming; oh, crikey, oh dear! ' to the
tune of the ` Camels are coming.' There was
one bit that used to tickle them. I mayn't
exactly remember it, for I didn't do anything
beyond a spurt in it, and haven't a copy for
you, but it tickled 'em with others. This was
the bit: —

` I've heard my old grandmother's grandmother say,
They burnt us in Smithfield full ten every day.
O, what shall I do, for I feel very queer,
The Pope he's a-coming, oh! crikey, oh, dear!'

" Bless you, sir, if I see a smart dressed ser-
vant girl looking shyly out of the street-door
at us, or through the area railings, and I can
get a respectful word in and say, ` My good
young lady, do buy of a poor fellow, we haven't
said a word to your servants, we hasn't seen
any on 'em,' then she's had, sir, for 1d. at
least, and twice out of thrice; that ` good young
lady ' chloroforms her.

" Then this one, now, is stunning. It's part
of what the Queen was a going to sing at the
opening of the parliament, but she changed her
mind, and more's the pity, for it would have
had a grand effect. It's called ` The Queen,
the Pope, and the Parliament,' and these is
the best of the stanzas; I calls them werses in
common, but stanzas for Wick:

` My lords and my gentlemen all,
The bishops and great house of commons
On you for protection I call,
For you know I am only a woman,
I am really quite happy indeed —
To meet you like birds of a feather,
So I hope you will all struggle with me,
And pull away boys altogether,
My name is Victoria the Queen.
` Our bishops and deans did relent,
And say they for ever was undone,
Bishop Philpott a long challenge sent
To his lordship the bishop of London,
To fight him on Hounslow Heath —
But the bishop of London was coosey,
He gave him one slap in the mouth,
And then sent a letter to pusey,
No humbuggery stories for vick —
` I heard my old grandfather say
His great grandmother easily loved reckon
When they made a fool run away,
Whose name was king Jemmy the second.
Billy gave him a ticket for soup,
Though Bill married old Jemmy's daughter
He knocked him from old Palace yard,
To Ireland, across the Boyne water,
Long life to Victoria the Queen.
` Come here my old friend Joey Hume,
I know you in silence wont mope now,
Go up and get inside the moon
And make fast a great torry rope now,
And then give a spring and a jump
And you to a peerage shall rise then,
For we'll swing up old Pius the Pope
And his eminence cardinal Wiseman,
Old England and down with the Pope.'


" Then there wasn't no risk with Haynau — I
told you of the Pope first, 'cause he was most
chaunted — no fear of a ferricadouzer for the
butcher. How is it spelled, sir? Well, if you
can't find it in the dictionary, you must use
your own judgment. What does it mean? It
means a dewskitch (a good thrashing). I've
been threatened with dark nights about the
Pope, after the Greeks has said: `Fat have
you to say agin the holy gintleman? To the
divil wid all the likes o' ye.' Haynau was a
fair stage and no favour. This werse was best
liked: —

` The other day as you must know,
In Barclay's brewhouse he did go
And signed his bloody name " Haynau.
The fellow that flogged the women.
Baron Rothchild did him shend,
And in the letter which he penn'd
He shaid the sheneral wash his friend,
And so good a man he could not mend.


Rumpsey bumsy — bang him well —
Make his back and sides to swell
Till he roars aloud with dreadful yell,
The fellow that flogged the women.'

" The women bought very free; poor women,
mostly; we only worked him to any extent in
the back drags. One old body at Stepney
was so pleased that she said, ` O, the bloody-
minded willain! Whenever you come this
way again, sir, there's always 1d. for you.' She
didn't pay in advance though.

" Then it ended, sir, with a beautiful moral as
appeals to every female bosom: —

` That man who would a female harm,
Is never fit to live.

" We always likes something for the ladies,
bless 'em. They're our best customers.

" Then there was poor Jael Denny, but she
was humped, sir, and I've told you the reason.
Her copy of werses began: —

` Since Corder died on Buystree,
No mortal man did read or see,
Of such a dreadful tragedy,
As I will now unfold.
A maid in bloom — to her silent tomb,
Is hurried in the prime of life,
How could a villain cause such strife
She worthy was a famous wife.
The like was seldom told.


She was young and gay,
Like the flowers of may,
In youth and vigour health and bloom,
She is hurried to the silent tomb.
Through Essex, such a dreadfull gloom,
Jael Denny's murder caused.'

" My last chaunt was Jane Wilbred; and her
werses — and they did tidy well — began: —

` A Case like this you seldom read,
Or one so sad and true,
And we sincerely hope the perper-
trators both will rue
To serve a friendless servant girl,
Two years they did engage,
Her name it is Jane Willbred,
And eighteen years of age.'

" What do you think of the Great Exhi-
bition, sir? I shall be there. Me and my
mates. We are going to send in a copy of
werses in letters of gold for a prize. We'll let the foreigners know what the real native
melodies of England is, and no mistake."