University of Virginia Library



That they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one.”—St. John xvii. 22, 23.

Can I, a single soldier, face
The awful armies of the night
And do the thing that is delight;
Or flood with joy one famished place,
By leading a lost soul aright?
My strength is weakness, and my love
Though kindled at the founts above.
But O I am a living link
Within the Church of Christ, and stand
Not by my own unaided hand;
For with the thoughts of Heaven I think,
And gather might from God's command.
Not lonely through the dark I reach,
With brothers, in the power of each.
The blessèd Grace which binds in one
All members of our Holy Guild,
Whereby we sow and plant and build,
Flows like a sea through every son—
He with the total force is filled.
And I, though nought, in that defence
Am clothèd with Omnipotence.