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Fairest of all Stars.


[In memory of Sarah, my eldest daughter—the same who plucked the violet in 1825. See page 62.]

Fairest of all Stars! star of the Even!
See'st thou a Soul pass—fairer than thou?
Brief though the time since she left us for Heaven,
Perhaps, in her journey, she passes thee now!
Angels she wants not to guide or attend her,
Certain and safe is her path through the skies;
Ray as she was from the Source of all splendour,
Back to that Source she—instinctively—flies!
Spirits will hail her; sisters and brothers
Give to her greeting a joyful response—
O! will they talk of their father and mother's
Death-darkened home—which was bright with them once?
Talk of it, blest ones! early selected!
Memories of sadness no sadness will bring;
Joy will seem sweeter for woes recollected,
As Winter, remembered, adds beauty to Spring!