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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Orpheus Hymn.
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Orpheus Hymn.

O King of Heaven and Hell, of Sea and Earth!

O King of Heaven and Hell, of Sea and Earth! who shak'st the world when


thou shout'st Thunder forth; whom Devils dread, and Hosts of Heaven praise, whom Fate (which masters all things else) obeys: Eternal Cause! who on the Winds dost ride, and Natures face wit, thick dark Clouds dost hide; Cleaving the Air with Balls of dreadful Fire; Guiding the Stars which run, and never tire. About thy Throne bright Angels stand, and Bow to be dispatch'd to Mortals here below. Thy early Spring in Purple robes comes forth: Thy Summers South does conquer all the North: And though thy Winter freeze the Hearts of Men, glad wine, from Autumn cheers them up agen.