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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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7 occurrences of Dictionary_of_the_History_of_Ideas
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R. Acher, “Évolution des Structures des hormones Neuro-
hypophysaires,” La Spécificité zoologique des Hormones
hypophysaires et leurs activités,
Éditions du Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique, No. 177, (Paris, 1969).
M. Beckner, The Biological Way of Thought (Berkeley, 1968).
E. T. Bolton, “The Evolution of Polynucleotide Sequences
in DNA,” Mendel Centenary: Genetics, Development, and
ed. R. M. Nardone (Washington, D.C., 1968). R. J.
Britten and D. E. Kohne, “Repeated Sequences in DNA,”
Science, 161 (1968), 529. D. H. Colless, “An Examination
of Certain Concepts in Phenetic Taxonomy,” Systematic
16 (1967), 7. C. Darwin, On the Origin of Species
by Natural Selection
(London, 1859; many reprints). G. R.
De Beer, Vertebrate Zoology (London, 1928); idem, Embryos
and Ancestors,
3rd ed. (Oxford and New York, 1958). W. M.
Fitch and F. Margoliash, “Construction of Phylogenetic
Trees,” Science, 155 (1967), 279. K. Gegenbaur, Grundzuge
der Vergleichenden Anatomie,
2nd ed. (Leipzig, 1870).
R. Goldschmidt, Theoretical Genetics (Berkeley, 1955).
N. Jardine, “The Concept of Homology in Biology,” British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science,
18 (1967), 125. E. R.
Lankester, “On the Use of the Term Homology in Modern
Zoology,” Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 6, series
4 (1870), 34-43. R. Owen, Lectures on the Comparative
Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals
don, 1843); idem, “Report on the Archtype and Homologies
of the Vertebrate Skeleton,” Report of the British Association
for the Advancement of Science,
16 (1847), 169. J. M. Rendel,
Canalization and Gene Control (London, 1967). E. G.
St. Hilaire, Philosophie Anatomique (Paris, 1818). G. G.
Simpson, Principles of Animal Taxonomy (New York and
London, 1961). R. R. Sokal and P. H. A. Sneath, Principles
of Numerical Taxonomy
(San Francisco, 1963). R. R. Sokal
and J. H. Camin, “The Two Taxonomies: Areas of Agree-
ment and Conflict,” Systematic Zoology, 14 (1965), 176.
E. B. Wilson, “The Embryological Criterion of Homology,”
Biological Lectures, 1894, Marine Biological Laboratory
(Woods Hole and Boston, 1895). E. O. Wilson, “A Consist-
ency Test for Phylogenies Based on Contemporaneous Spe-
cies,” Systematic Zoology, 14 (1965), 214. L. Wittgenstein,
Philosophical Investigations (Oxford, 1958).


[See also Analogy in Early Greek Thought; Biological Con-
ceptions in Antiquity;
Evolutionism; Game Theory; Genetic
Continuity; Recapitulation.