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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 2-75. Powers and duties generally.

Subject to the supervision, direction and control of the city
council and mayor, the city manager shall:

(1) See that the laws, ordinances, resolutions and bylaws
of the city council are satisfactorily executed, except as hereinafter

(2) Keep the city council fully advised of the city's financial
condition and of its future financial needs and make such
reports upon the affairs of the city as may be required of him
by the city council.

(3) On or before the fifteenth day of March in each year,
the city manager shall prepare and submit to the city council a
tentative budget for the next fiscal year.[39] Such budget shall
contain a complete itemized and classified plan of all proposed
expenditures and all estimated revenues and borrowings for
the ensuing appropriation year and shall indicate thereon
which expense items are fixed expenditures. Opposite each
item of the proposed expenditures, the budget shall show, in
separate, parallel columns, the amount appropriated for the
preceding appropriation year, the amount expended during
that year, the amount appropriated for the current appropriation
year and the increases and decreases in the proposed
expenditures for the ensuing year as compared to the appropriation
for the current year. This budget shall be accompanied
by an itemized and complete financial balance sheet


Page 77
at the close of the last preceding appropriation year and a
copy of the last director of finance's monthly report as provided
in section 2-119.

(4) Have full power to employ and discharge city employees
except as may be otherwise provided for by the city
council. He shall fix the salaries of all persons employed by
him whose yearly compensation is not more than four thousand
dollars. Where the compensation exceeds four thousand
dollars per year, it shall be fixed by the city council before
such person is employed.

(5) The city manager, under the direction of the mayor
and city council, shall be the executive officer for supervising
all the business affairs of the city, including the building,
maintenance and operation of all public works, necessary purchases
for the various departments and the work of the heads
of the various departments and city employees.

He shall give general supervision to all streets, grounds,
buildings, water and gas works, sewers and all other property
belonging to the city and shall cause to be made such surveys
and estimates as the city council or mayor may direct. (Code
1959, § 2-75.)


For charter provisions as to preparation of budget, see Char., § 19.