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—The Castle of Dunbayne, to which a draw-bridge, over a Lake, is affixed—between the draw-bridge, and the entrance into the Castle, which is through an archway, space enough for a platform, able to contain three or four men at one period—a strong barred Casement, and door looking oblique-way over the Moat, &c. &c. &c.
Enter Alleyn, Matilda, and Mary (in female attire) followed by the Clan of Athlin.
MUSICAL DIALOGUE—Alleyn, Malcolm, &c.
On the errand of Peace,
Dunbayne's Castle we salute.
Sound—sound the horn—swell the trumpet's strains.

(A Parley is sounded, and answered, Malcolm approaches)


Cease, Clarions, cease, (to the band)

At your humble suit,
Appears the Lord of these rich domains!

An imprison'd Son demands a Mother's tear,
Where! where's my Boy?

—Command the Youth appear.

(Osbert is brought forward chained and guarded.)
Hardgalling chains! be still, proud swelling heart!
Thy injur'd suppliant, trembling bends her knee;
With all our Castle's wealth we'd gladly part,
To gain lov'd Osbert's life and liberty?

(Malcolm raises them with apparent kindness.)
His life, his liberty, thy prayers command,
Bless but the Donor with fair Mary's hand!
Sign this fair instrument—

Offers a scroll for signature, on which is inscribed:

“To save a Brother's life, Mary consents to become the Bride of Malcolm.”

Alleyn, Matilda, and Mary read the scroll with horror—Osbert boldly urges them to leave him to his fate—Malcolm presents Mary a pen, haughtily demanding her signature—irresolute she casts her eyes around; her Mother shuns her looks, her brother meets them with a frown, while Alleyn seems lost in absolute despair—overpowered with agony, she, trembling, drops the pen—Malcolm exclaims:


Dispatch your Prisoner— (she implores him)
my command is past!

This instant shall the stripling, Osbert, breathe his last.

A moment's pause—just while he breathes one prayer.

You know his ransom—

(Malcolm again presents the pen and scroll—Mary signs.)
—Alleyn's lot's despair.

(Malcolm receives the scroll exultingly, and exclaims to his guards)
Release our future Brother—Mary's charms
Must now bid cease the rival clash of arms!

Osbert is brought over the draw-bridge—Malcolm presents the scroll, and bids his guards release him —Osbert dashes them from him, and tears the scroll! —Malcolm's Clan, on his signal, seize, and point their weapons to his breast; Matilda and Mary kneel.
One hour's delay—e'en half that period's pause,
To dry our tears, and forward your design;
A Mother pleads—'tis in her Children's cause,
Grant her request, and Mary shall be thine.

Her whining plea awhile my rage beguiles,
Depart—and when the Sun renews his course;
My promised Bride restore to me with smiles,
Or view in death the mangled Osbert's corse.


Osbert sullenly takes leave, is marched over the draw-bridge, Malcolm, &c. following—Matilda and Mary mournfully depart, followed by their Clan— Alleyn remaining, absorbed in melancholy thought.
Enter a Fisherman, followed by Edric, their attention is arrested by the voice of Osbert, singing in the Tower.
“Death would come like a friend to release me from pain!
“Must I never see Alleyn, my Champion again?”

Alleyn appears much agitated at this mark of his affection—gazing round, perceives Edric and Fisherman, in the latter recognizes an acquaintance—Edmund, as Centinel, parades the platform in front of the Tower.
The drowning Man will e'en at shadows catch!
Hush! Edmund o'er our valued Chief keeps watch.

Ho! Edmund—brave Centinel my whisper'd thoughts receive!
The Tyrant you serve is humanity's bane!


The murderer's service 'tis virtue to leave,
Your aid to brave Osbert may freedom regain:
Ah! think on beauty's tears, nor let your heart be steel'd.

Tho' danger's form appears, I to your wishes yield.
When in yon Tower a beacon blaze you see,
Think near at hand your Chieftain's liberty.
But hush, I hear a footstep near,
Some furlongs off await
With anxious care, 'tween hope and fear,
In silence watch your fate.

With anxious care, 'tween hope and fear,
We'll silent watch our fate.

Alleyn and Fisherman retire on one side, Edric on the other—Malcolm and Carron approach Edmund cautiously—the latter seizes him.
Ah! traitor—have I caught thee! wretch abhorr'd!
Seek somewhere else Humanity's reward.
(Stabs him, he falls into the Moat, leaving his cloak.)
I'll give the signal—Fortune on us smiles!
Lower thou the bridge—we'll catch them in the toils!

Carron puts on Edmund's cloak—the signal appears at the watch-tower—Carron lowers the bridge


—Eric returns—Carron beckons him to cross it, he complies—Carron assails him, is defeated—he breaks open the Tower, and releases Osbert—the alarm bell is rung, the bridge drawn up—Malcolm rushes on, and seizes Osbert—Alleyn and Fisherman, in the latter's boat, row towards them—Osbert disengages himself from Malcolm, and, leaping off the platform, is received into the boat, and they rapidly direct its course under the draw-bridge—Guards rush to seize Edric—he plunges into the Moat, and escapes by swimming—Malcolm and his Clan group on the draw-bridge, turrets, &c. and the scene closes—the distant shouts of Osbert's Clan enlivening the fall of the curtain.