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A Tragedy, In Five Acts

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A small private apartment. Enter Leonora, walking thoughtfully across the stage; then enter Diego, upon which she turns, and goes up to him, without speaking.
(after pausing for her to speak first).
They told me, madam, you desired to see me.

Yes, good Diego, I would speak with thee;
Yet what I have to say comes of no sense,—
Mere curiosity,—a woman's humour.
Looking from my apartment not long since,
Methought I saw thee in the inner court,
Earnest in conversation with Balthazar.
I mark'd you for a while, and his strange gestures
Seem'd those of anger rather than of grief.

He was, in truth, somewhat intemperate.

What has disturb'd him?

He is a man by nature cross and captious,
And hardly to be satisfied.

How so?
Has aught been wanting in the funeral honours
Paid to his master?

No; it is not that.
He rather thinks we have been more intent
On idle pageantry, than truly zealous
In finding out the murd'rer of his lord;
'Twas this did move him to unseemly warmth,
And words which I may not repeat.

What words?
Does he suspect—No; what should he suspect?
[Pausing and gazing on Diego, who is silent.
Thy face looks pale and haggard. Did he name him?

Name whom?

No, no one. This bewilder'd brain
Will run on things too wildly fanciful.
I'll speak to him myself; he shall be satisfied.
Search shall be made without delay. Go to him,
And tell him I would see him privately.

He is not here.

What! not within the walls?

Mounted upon his master's swiftest steed,
He left the castle short while since; ere this
He must be near Zamora.

Why such haste?

I know not; 'tis, perhaps, to gain admission,
Before the opening of his royal court,
To the king's private ear.

Most strange! some thought— some dark imagination
Has worked him to this frenzy.—Tell me truly
Where his suspicions rest: for he has spoken
Words which thou wouldst conceal. Spoke he in hints?
O tell me all!—He did not name Henriquez?

No; by the noble house of Altavera,
Had he so done that word had been his last.
Diego Furnez, aged as he is,
Had ne'er stood by with rapier by his side
To hear his master's honour rudely stain'd
With horrid imputation.

Hush! speak low.
I meant not that! a thing too wild and frightful
Even for a hasty thought.—But does he know
A lurking stranger in the wood was found,
With scared and hasty fear, confessing guilt?

[Mencia, entering behind them, and listening to the last words, rushes forward in grcat alarm.
Confessing guilt! O trust not his confession!
Believe not what he says! a frenzied dream!
For mercy's sake, my sister! O, for mercy!

Mencia; what sudden madness seizes thee?
Mercy! for whom dost thou implore my mercy?

Cruel thou art to ask! My first, my dearest:
O had no other ever look'd upon me,
This misery had not been.

It is Antonio, then, for whom thou fearest?
Is he the stranger who escaped their search?

Has he escaped? Then heaven be praised he has!


And thou didst know that he was lurking here?

Catch not so eagerly my foolish words;
I think of him when any youth is mention'd.

Lady, we only said, “a lurking stranger:”
It is yourself who marks him as a youth.

I know not what I say;—I'm most unhappy:
I will retire.

Yes; thou hadst best retire;
And be appeased; Antonio is not found,
Though now we know on whom to fix the charge.
[Exit Mencia.
(Gladly to Diego.)
Now it is clear: it is a blest relief!
My good Diego, faithful, kind, old friend;
Even for the love which thou dost bear thy lord,
I call thee friend;—it is a blest relief. (Taking his hand.)

It comes upon my heart,—a loaded heart,
That was with horror press'd, and brings these tears.

God bless you, lady! Had I sooner known
The steady truth and kindness of your nature,
It had been well, for I have been perverse;
But henceforth I will curb all wayward thoughts,
And honour you as Don Henriquez' wife,
And worthy so to be.

Cease, friend; all thy perverseness is forgotten.
Enter Carlos.
In a good time thou com'st, my noble friend.

How's this? Strange joy has lighten'd up your eyes,
Unsuited to these hours of sable sadness.

We have discover'd Juan's murderer.

I'm glad to hear it: have you certain proof?

Antonio, Mencia's lover; a wild youth,
Whose most presumptuous love, not long ago,
She had for Juan's nobler suit rejected,
Is the mysterious stranger, here, by night,
Found lurking in the wood, whose hasty flight
So well betrayed his guilt.

I will, and instantly,
Despatch a swift pursuit, to trace his flight.
I've seen the youth, and can describe his mien,
And slender, graceful form. O most unlike
One who could do a fell and bloody deed!

A gentle form the fellest heart may shroud.

I have known such to anger and to blood
More prone than sterner men.

You seem offended with me, but I meant not
To question what you say. The time is precious:
I'll send, without delay, on every track,
Those who, I trust, will shortly seize upon him.
Guilty or innocent. I came to say
Those maids and holy men, as you appointed,
Are in the chapel met, and wait your presence,
To sing a nightly requiem for the dead,
Who, in the vault beneath, his first still night
Of the grave's rest doth pass.
But we'll postpone these rites till we have done
What must not be delayed.

Ay; let us lose no time.
