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An Historical Tragedy

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The Sultana Queen's, near Constantinople.
Mirza, Phesalie, and Ladies Attendants.
The Mask is now thrown off—Mirza no longer
Reign's in her Sov'reign's Heart—Cruel Reverse!
O Flattery, curst Flatt'ry! Thou'st undone me—
Ye crouching Sycophants! constant Attendants
On ev'ry rising Star, ye've undone me;
Ye puft your pois'nous Blasts into my Senses,
Till Pride had swell'd me to the matchless Creature,
Your servile serpent Tongues reported me,
As worthy of great Osman's constant Love.
O Phesalie! my Spring of Glory's faded,
I'm lost—for ever lost to Love and Osman.

Who could have apprehended such a Change?


That Part was mine; but giddy Joys prevented.
'Twas I receiv'd his Virgin Obligations;
Nor has he ever yet been false to me:
Mirror of Constancy! compar'd with Emperors,
Whose Wills insatiate have roam'd at large.
Had he done thus, I'd been like other Odalisks
Enjoy'd, repudiated, without a Sigh;
But elevate with Hope of Love's Endurance,
My Fall precipitate the more confounds me—

First LADY.
Is't certain, this fair Lady, Aphendina's
Conducted hither to the Sultan's Bed?

Second LADY.
So the Report; the Camp resounds with it.

This Love is not of Yesterday's Creation;
This is a smother'd Flame, burst out again—

Or rather never smother'd—My Reflections
Recall to Mind Scenes past Reiteration;
When in my Arms the noble Osman slumber'd,
Oft would he start, and catch, and waking, sigh—


Then slumb'ring, groan again, whole Nights together.
I might have thought of Aphendina then;
But my own Joys were so superlative—

First LADY.
Hark! 'tis the Sound of Trumpets in the Camp.

[Trumpets sound.
Second LADY.
They sound again—and nearer too.

[Sound again.
O! hide me,
'Tis this new Mistress—Cover me, ye Mountains—
Conceal my just Confusion in your Bowels,
And never more let Mirza see the Light.

Too true, I fear, these Sounds proclaim the Joy
Of her Arrival.

Close my Tent—I'm ill,
And must be private—Sure Osman won't impose
On me the hateful Task of Gratulation.

[Scene closes.

One of the Sultan's Mistresses.