University of Virginia Library


The Sultan's Tent.
Amurath, K. Aga and an Officer.
Amasie's not return'd—shou'd he betray me
And join with Scanderbeg to free the Captives!—
That Officer's his Creature—Mustapha!
Resign Aranthes to the Kisler Aga
Conduct him to Althea Let Amasie,
That unauspicious Slave, be true or false,
Succeed or perish, they shall surely die:
So tell the Father—Hence, you Slaves, be gone.


Now let me think—There must have been a Change,
A Revolution in the Source of Things.
The former Chain of Beings is dissolv'd:
Effects roll backward, and direct their Causes,
And Nature is no more. Thou hoary Wretch,
Tear thy white Locks, abandon ev'ry Hope,
Renounce Humanity and all its Tyes.
Duty and Virtue, Gratitude and Love,
Forsook the World, when my Hellena fled.
May Order ne'er return to bless Mankind;
Let Discord rage, ne'er let Affections meet;
But Parents Curse, and Children disobey;
Or either's Kindness be repaid with Hate.
'Till ev'ry Child, and ev'ry Sire on Earth,
Be in each other curss'd, as me and mine.

Enter Visier.
Not yet at Rest?

A Parent and at Rest!—

The Christians have storm'd the Trenches toward the West,
Unless our Presence animate the Troops
All will be lost.

Hellena's lost already!

Sure Amasie has fail'd, and Scanderbeg
Is come upon us to revenge th' Attempt.

'Tis well. Wak'd from my Lethargy of Grief,
I yet may reach his Heart.

Regard your Health,
And leave the Business of this Night to us;
A burning Fever rages in your Blood.

Fame calls me forth. Again I hear her Voice;
Earth shakes, and Heaven reverberates the Sound.
Affrighted Night sits trembling on her Throne;
Tumult has driven Silence from her Confines,
And half her Empire's lost. When Glory calls,
Shall Age or Sickness keep me from the Field?
No; in Spite of both I'll die like Amurath yet,


Like what I've liv'd, a Soldier and a King.

He's desperate and will not be oppos'd.