The Mourning Bride | ||
A Room of State.Enter King, Perez, and Alonzo.
Not to be found? in an ill hour he's absent.
None, say you, none? what not the Fav'rite Eunuch?
Nor she her self, nor any of her Mutes
Have yet required admittance?
None my Lord.
Is Osmyn so dispos'd, as I commanded?
Fast bound in double chains, and at full length
He lies supine on earth; as easily
She might remove the fix'd foundation, as
Unlock the rivets of his bonds.
'Tis well.
[A Mute appears, and seeing the King retires.
Ha! seize that Mute; Alonzo, follow him.
[Ex. Alonzo.
Entring he met my Eyes, and started back,
Frighted, and fumbling one hand in his Bosom,
As to conceal th'Importance of his Errand.
[Alonzo re-enters with a Paper.
O bloody Proof, of obstinate Fidelity!
What dost thou mean?
Soon as I seiz'd the Man,
He snatch'd from out his Bosom this—and strove,
With rash and greedy haste, at once to cram
The Morsel down his throat. I catch'd his Arm,
And hardly wrench'd his Hand to wring it from him;
Which done, he drew a Ponyard from his side,
And on the instant, plung'd it in his Breast.
Remove the Body thence, 'ere Zara see it.
I'll be so bold to borrow his Attire;
'Twill quit me of my Promise to Gonsalez.
Whate'er it is the King's Complexion turns.
How's this? my mortal Foe beneath my Roof!
[Having read the Letter.
O, give me Patience, all ye Powers! no, rather,
Give me Rage, Rage, implacable Revenge,
And treble Fury—Ha! who's there?
My Lord.
Hence, Slave, how dar'st thou bide, to watch and pry
Into how poor and mean a thing, a King descends;
How like thy self when Passion treads him down?
Ha! stir not, on thy Life: For thou wert fix'd,
And planted here to see me gorge this Bait,
And lash against the Hook—by Heav'n you're all
Rank Traytors; thou art with the rest combin'd;
Thou knew'st that Osmyn was Alphonso, knew'st
My Daughter privately conferr'd with him,
And wert the Spy and Pander to their Meeting.
By all thats holy, I'm amaz'd—
Thou lyest.
Thou art Accomplice too much with Zara; here
Where she sets down—still will I set thee free—
That somewhere is repeated—I have power
O'er them that are thy Guards—Mark that thou Traytor.
It was your Majesty's Command, I should
Obey her Order—
—And still will I sat
Thee free, Alphonso —Hell! curs'd, curs'd Alphonso!
False perfidious Zara! Strumpet Daughter!
Away begon thou feeble Boy, fond Love,
All Nature, Softness, Pity and Compassion,
This hour I throw ye off, and entertain
Fell hate, within my breast, Revenge and Gall
By Heav'n I'll meet, and counterwork this Treachery.
Hark thee, Villain, Traitor—answer me Slave.
My Service has not merited those Titles.
Dar'st thou reply? Take that—thy Service? thine?
[Strikes him.
What's thy whole Life, thy Soul, thy All, to my
One moment's Ease? Hear my Command; and look
That thou obey, or Horrour on thy Head.
Drench me thy Dagger in Alphonso's Heart.
Why dost thou start? Resolve to do't, or else—
My Lord, I will.
'Tis well—that when she comes to set him free,
His Teeth may grin, and mock at her Remorse.
[Perez going.
—Stay thee—I've farther thought—I'll add to this,
And give her Eyes yet greater Disappointment.
When thou hast ended him, bring me his Robe;
And let the Cell where she'll expect to see him,
Be dark'ned, so as to amuze the Sight.
I'll be conducted thither—
But see she comes; I'll shun th'Encounter; do
Thou follow, and give heed to my Direction.
Enter Zara, and Selim.
The Mute not yet return'd! 'tis strange. Ha! 'twas
The King that parted hence; frowning he went;
His Eyes like Meteors roll'd, then darted down
Their red and angry Beams; as if his Sight
Would, like the raging Dog-star, scorch the Earth,
And kindle Ruine in its Course, Think'st thou
He saw me not?
He did: But then as if
His Eyes had err'd, he hastily recall'd
Th'imperfect Look, and sternly turn'd away.
Shun me when seen! I fear thou hast undone me.
Thy shallow Artifice begets Suspicion,
And, like a Cobweb-Veil, but thinly shades
The Face of thy Design; alone disguising
Thou like the Adder, venomous and deaf,
Hast stung the Traveller; and, after, hear'st
Not his pursuing Voice: ev'n where thou thinks't
To hide, the rustling Leaves, and bended Grafs
Confess, and point the Path which thou hast crept.
O Fate of Fools! officious in Contriving;
In executing, puzzled, lame and lost.
Avert it, Heav'n, that you should ever suffer
For my Defect; or that the Means which I
Devis'd to serve, should ruine your Design!
Prescience is Heav'ns alone, not giv'n to Man.
If I have fail'd in what, as being a Man,
I needs must fail; impute not as a Crime,
My Nature's want; but punish Nature in me:
I plead not for a Pardon, and to live,
But to be punish'd and forgiven. Here, strike;
I bare my Breast to meet your just Revenge.
I have not leisure, now, to take so poor
A Forfeit as thy Life: Somewhat of high
And more important Fate, requires my Thought.
When I've concluded on my self, If I
Think fit, I'll leave thee my Command to die.
Regard me well; and dare not to reply
To what I give in Charge: for I'm resolv'd.
Instruct the two remaining Mutes, that they
Attend me instantly, with each a Bowl
Of those Ingredients mix'd, as will with speed
Benumn the living Faculties, and give
Most easie and inevitable Death.
Yes, Osmyn, yes; be Osmyn or Alphonso,
I'll give thee Freedom, if thou dar'st be free:
Such Liberty as I embrace my self,
Thou shalt partake. Since Fates no more afford;
I can but die with thee to keep my Word.
The Mourning Bride | ||