Misogonus | ||
Actus tertius
scena prima
Po, po, po, come Jacke, come Jacke, Heave slowe heave slowe
how now my mosters did none of yow see my sondid sowe
thers nere a one in our end oth towne Ime sure hath worse happe.
when I sett hir out to mast woude I had put hir to my pesse mowe.
This lucke in dede both bullchinge and sowe gone all at a clappe.
how now my mosters did none of yow see my sondid sowe
thers nere a one in our end oth towne Ime sure hath worse happe.
when I sett hir out to mast woude I had put hir to my pesse mowe.
This lucke in dede both bullchinge and sowe gone all at a clappe.
Now god & swete S Antonye sende me my sowe againe
and she be gone ist neare be able this winter to kepe house
if I shoulde alwais eat curdes and buttermilke it would be my baine
Ist not liue a weeke without puddings and souse.
and she be gone ist neare be able this winter to kepe house
if I shoulde alwais eat curdes and buttermilke it would be my baine
Ist not liue a weeke without puddings and souse.
What a cockaloudlinge make ye horesonne woude yow nedes begonn
Ile giue ye to one that shall spit yow I wannt yow
bith marikins will yow not leaue your cacklinge youle be quarkned anone
by my litle honesty I thinke thers some foulill havnts you
ho god be here where be yow maidens god be here.
What is there no body to take my rent hens
Ile giue ye to one that shall spit yow I wannt yow
bith marikins will yow not leaue your cacklinge youle be quarkned anone
by my litle honesty I thinke thers some foulill havnts you
ho god be here where be yow maidens god be here.
What is there no body to take my rent hens
Harke how like a calfe thers one speakes what foule haue we ther
Ile know what that wisard a gods name intendes
Voole I was the wisest that my mother had & we were nintene
I haue bin lected for my scretion five tymes constable
Yff yow had bene but once more tow fooles toth tyth there had binn
a good liter mary, and men to serve a prince well able
What William what William giue me that hand of youres I say.
why tell me William how hast thou done this seven yeare
Its a good while agoe Codrus since we tow eat a bottell of hay
but tell me olde sincaunter what quick cattell hast thou heare
Cha brought a couple of baskettes in my capenes to my aude mas[ter]
against Christmas now to make merye with his frendes
Thy witte runnes before thy tounge thou conceaved Custe[r]
thou list olde minsimust they are a couple of hens
[Its] a good stumble near horst I ame sure then they w[ere gel].
**[ur]st pose oth bible booke Alison gropte vor th [stones]
**** [hor]sonne koxcome didst near see [hens felt]
[OMITTED] [as true as a] [OMITTED]
Nay but heares to William wout doe one thinge for me and thaw **
wout tell my master heres ty gof Custer would speake wt h him vayn
and thou will william thoust be a good boy & ile ge the a new nothi[ng]
Ile ge the a fine thinge that cam from London for your paine
Giue me thy basket ile liver them like a tall fellow my selfe
and desire him to come to the here in this station
Sett it then when thast done oth cubbord or oth shelfe
I hope with him now to haue some excōmunication.
I hope with him now to haue some excōmunication.
Yf he come I can tell what to say Ile spurr him a whestion
Ile tell him grace a god an my mumbraunce doe not faile me
what a tauke I harde betwene mage mvmblecrust & our Alison
I am sure an a knew all the price of my sowe it woulde vaile me
Ile tell him grace a god an my mumbraunce doe not faile me
what a tauke I harde betwene mage mvmblecrust & our Alison
I am sure an a knew all the price of my sowe it woulde vaile me
Ye may lay your life heil be glad when he heares of his tother
for my yonge masters as verye a dingthrift as ere went one gods yer
heile not care an aglet for him when he heares of his brother
and no matter by S cutbearde he keps such a stur.
for my yonge masters as verye a dingthrift as ere went one gods yer
and no matter by S cutbearde he keps such a stur.
Intrat Philogonus.
Here he comes custar holde ta deliver them wt h thie owne handes
heile giue the somewhat and thou makst cursy downe toth grounde
De good deene master cha brought yow twe whochittalls in my maunde
doe yow not heare of no bodye that my zondid sowe hath vou[nde]
God haue mercy Custar ile make the one day a mens
what be they I pray the are they a couple of capens
Bum vay I said so & mast William makes me beleive they be hens
gods dinty chil be plaine to yow I tooke them ene as it happens
Take them thou will and carye them forthwith toth cooke
and bidd him fatt them well against I make a feast
They were capens till I chaungde them he that list may go looke
a shillinge by this match I haue gott at the least
Howe ist with yow master me thinke yow looke zadde
what I woude haue yow vse mirth and reioynce your hart nowe
youd be sorye in deede if my cagin yow hadd
my bulchinge tournde vp his heiles at Martimas and now I lost my [sowe]
Thats a great losse for a poore man but mine is much more
woude I hadd lost all that ere I hadd condicion I hadd founde one
To lose all by S George master that woude go sore
belakins no sir one might showe the gouse an all were gone
God helpe me Custar I knowe not well what I speake I am so troubled in my mind
my sonne my sonnes so vngratious I knowe not what to say
Why ist not possible some pollicye to fynde
I would not blin an I were in your coat till I had tried erye way
I haue tried erie way with him hies quite past grace
woude I coude trie some way now to bringe my selfe consolation
Ile bringe yow some I or else Ile giue yow my cowe wt h wh[ite] ****
I can do it and that wightly I speake wthout semblation
Canst thou do it Custar now I would to god thou could ******
in that condition I gaue the the price of tenn swy[n].
Yf I doe it not let me never hereafter come in y[ou] *******
by godes zacriment if I do it not Ile be bound *******
Lett me heare then Custar what comfort cans[t] ***
Doubt [no]t of my promise thou knowst me of ***
An yow knewe as much as I knowe Ime sure youde both laughe and sing[e]
youde be in iocundare cum amicis an yow had all toulde
Why what is it Codrus I pray the tell me without delay
beside that i giue the ile be thy frende all the dayes of thy life
Yf I say I can tell I can tell in deede, what day is to day.
how longe ist since the death of my mistrisse your wife
Is this the comforte Ist haue by thy takle thou makst me in a greater quad[ary]
this thy remembraunce of hir Custar is a corsy to my harte
A god rest hir soule, god haue mercy of hir soule and S Mary
is there a quamminge come over your stomacke I wannt yow youst bearte
Thy foolish wordes haue made me more heavy then ever I weare
tell me to what ende of my wife thou madste mencion
I wottle well inoughe, howe she servde yow did your never heare
thoughe I be a foole i my tauke chaue alwais some tention
Why howe did she serve me declare it me plaine
praye the tell me quickly wthout tractinge of tyme
Ile goe fetch our Alison & come straight way againe
she ha witt inoughe to tell yow hir capidossitye is better then mine
Alas good silly soule has tould me a tale here oth mann ith moone
some matter he taukes of if I knewe what he mente
Mosse Ile tell yow thoughe I lacke retorumes, & sheist mend it soone
why moster mine did never heare yet whether your sonne was sente
Sente. why whether shoulde he be sente ne never wente abroade
I wene thou art tipse didst not come from thallhouse alate
Yeaye faith he has benne far then ere yow haue on Taleon grounde he near trode
and for biblinge I woud yow shoulde knowe I do it foully hate
Be not angrie Codrus thou hast brought me truly in a great suspence
I pray the speake so at one worde as I may vnderstande
Ile speake plaine English nowe heis gone a thousand mile hence
and yowle not trust me call Alison and heare the matter scande
That is vnpossible to be vnlesse thou taukst of an other
thou makst me wthout doubt wonderfully to mase
Why gods denty moster I ment all this while the tother
doe yow thinke that such loudlye Custer Codrus coulde face
What other meanest thou, I had never moe sonnes then one
I am at my wittes end wt h thy talke by gods mother
Why an youle not beleive me Ile goe fetch our Alison
yow shall see and she doth not tell yow that my yonge master has a bro[ther]
Ther never was poore mariner amids ye surginge seas
catchinge a glimeringe of a port wherunto he would saile
so much distract twixt hope of health & feare his life to lease
as I even nowe wt h hope do hange and eke wt h feare doe faile
Alison what Alison what meanst woman sites all day bith fire
come thou makst good hast thus thou woudst serue me an I lay a *****
gods my armes Alison shouldst tricke the wt h thy best tyre
thou lookst as thoughe thou hadst bene in some heape of ashes la[ying]
*hy whats the matter that thou woudst haue me so fine *****
***u wert wontt to l[i]ke me well inough[e in my] ********
For that sowe thats gone Ile helpe the to ten if the fair be no******
come thou must goe to my moster he sendes for the by cocke
What didst tell him of the matter we taukt on last weke
how many miles he were hence & that he were his eldest sonne
I clard it as well as I coude and he woude nedes haue me the goe & se[eke]
prove it trwe and weist haue sowes inoughe Alison come let vs run[ne]
Loe here she is now Sr simple thoughe she be for the faut of a better
sheis not bookish but sheil place hir wordes as scretly as some of [those] that be
Thats no matter a rush Codrus an she know near a letter
if she can make manifest this thy talke thats inoughe for me
I am gladd to see your worships wershipfull Mrshipp in good heale
what is the cause savinge your reverence that for me yow doe send
if it be for your owne commoditie or for the common weale
I will tell you wt h all my hart as god shall me mutteraunce lend
Nay sheis aligant in deed shewdd chaunt this extrūpery a hole day
I had rather then the best shepe I had my tounge were but halfe so nemble
Thy husband here tauntes of my wife and of a sonne I haue gon a great wa[y]
speake in this case what thou knowest & do not dissemble
My swete mistrisse now our swete Lady of Walsingā be wt h hir swetly swe[t] soule
I haue bid many a prayer for hir both early and late
Faith and so haue I, thers near a day but I haue hir in my bede role
I say a deprofundus for hir erie night accordinge toth olde rate
Pray for hir no more but rather giue god praise
your praiers are but superstitious & she I hopes at rest
yow loue hir it semes so did I, & shall doe all my daies
but now to praye for our selves here while we liue I count it best.
Low yow Alison wer Moster is oth new larninge did not I tell yow before
Codrus youle not be ruled yow, ye nere larnde that of me
Some other tyme of thes matters yow may debate more
whether thy talke tends Alison let me now see
Custar did yow tell my Mr any thinge before I cam hether
speake if yow haue when yow made an ende Ile beginn
as well as my mother witt would serue me I toulde him all ye circūlanse togeth[er]
I did it prattely well but Ile haue the dote vine vine.
A Master it was as loue childe as ever woman boure
it went to my hart when I sawe it sente quite away
Why whether was it sente Alison my childe was ever wt hin dore
your talke doth so astonish me I can not tell what to say
Goodly lorde are yow so ingrū did yow near heare of Polona lande
and did yow never knowe your wifes brother that there doth dwell
Yes mary that I doe all this I doe well vnderstande
but what meanst of that country & of my brother me to tell
What mean I mary thether your sonne and heire was s***
What my sonne?
Yea your sonne I tell yow I am in no drunken f**
Sais thou that my sonne and heire to woman to ************
I said it I.
** [that] saying thoue m[a]kst me [almost] out of [m]****
How say yow now Mr doe not our Alison and I agree in one tale Jump[e]
ye may see we are as trwe as steile we both ons loore to lye
Care not Mr yest not nede for this exstorie to be in a dumpe
this a trwe as the Gospell thers moe can tell as well as I.
Thou saist its trwe but how cant be trwe I had never moe wives the[n one]
& she after Misogonus was borne wt hin a weke tooke hir death
I tauk not of Sogonus I, I tauk of your tother sonne
what a blindation are yow in why my mistris had two babes at a bi[rth]
O mercifull Lorde god if I may craut wthout offence
graūt that thes tydinges may be trwe wc h I heare
Gods blessinge of thy swete harte Alison now Ile say thart a good [wench]
Ile bestowe a peny in aperne stringes one the next market for th[is] geare
Thoughe I sait & shoulde not sait I was hir midwife I
I can shewe yow good tokens & arglementes that this is so
Bith same token that he had two thums one one foote, tut she stode by
pounder matter well if she should not knowt, who showlde knowe?
What dost takh tale out of my mouth shat tell then for Alisone
and thout neds hat takt thy selfe & say no more but tell trewe.
Gods blothernales dame wher had we yow are yow nowe in your Crileson
And thou saist I lye thou liest as thou bakst so shat brewe
Ey list thou me coukoully knave Ile hae the in my memorandum
I may chaunch make the ly ith dust er longe for thy lyinge
Thart a crowetrodden houre Ile not suffer the an thou wert my grandū
and thast not for this tauk ner trust me ill kivinge
Thretens me old?
hold thy tounge bomination Gome
Nay Ile descry the toth officials as I am trewe maid thou nauti packe
Scry me toth filsheals nay then haue at the tome boy tome
thou a maid thart a Jadge befor I knewe the thou wert an old ridden Jacke
Nay good neighboures no more of this rule but toth matter retourne
leaue me not now ith breares yow haue told me thus much of my sonne
By this light that shines Mr all ye faut yow may seis in hure
I wode ner haue had foule worde & she had not begun̄
And I had gonne forwarde in my tale & thou hadst not egde me like a foulle.
I nether egd e the nor collupte the, yf I had edge ye thou mightes yet chese
Ile tell one Mr if ye can make him kepe in his fooles boulte
Be quiet awhile Codrus Ile bestowe one yow both a good liberall feies
Where left I last at Polonia or at my mistrisse deliveraunce
At this pardy thou talkest of too children she had at one birth
Till I can proue this trewe an yow will lay me faste in durau[nce]
Howe by this Mr doe yow not nowe ginn to feale some comfort & mirth
Whether it be for mirth or for sorrowe Ime even redye to wepe
my minde doth nowe languish in such a wonderfull perplexitye
Feare yow not Sr I hope to reduce yow from your sorrowes most d[epe]
**** [tr]anquillitye of mind and most blisfull felicitye.
**** [tr]anquillitye of mind and most blisfull felicitye.
** [mi]strisse I say had too sonnes wherof in good tyme be it spoken
******** [s]he sent away closly to hir brother farr hence
********towes one h[is ri]ght foote wc h may be a good token
********** [I thinke) of his fo]tes she had some *****
For she was counsaild (as she said) by a certa[in]e learnde m[a]nne
yf she hadd too sonnes theldest to sende to hir brothers a farr
tellinge hir of his good destynye wc h she remembringe then
convayed him close away makinge none but me onely aware
******** [s]he sent away closly to hir brother farr hence
********towes one h[is ri]ght foote wc h may be a good token
********** [I thinke) of his fo]tes she had some *****
For she was counsaild (as she said) by a certa[in]e learnde m[a]nne
yf she hadd too sonnes theldest to sende to hir brothers a farr
tellinge hir of his good destynye wc h she remembringe then
convayed him close away makinge none but me onely aware
O god wc h in mercies art infinite & also most iust
can thes newes be trwe wc h of this woman I heare toulde
thou never failest them I knowe that in the put their truste
wc h makes me in gevinge credance to hir somewhat more boulde.
I did but Jibe Alison I loue ye well inoughe wench for all that
for the good disorder yt yu kepes ith thy tale I must neds giue ye a busse
Away horeson I must aunswere my master nowe hers no tyme to chat
when we are alone ith seller soone we may one another cusse.
What profe can yow bringe of this matter, yow were not eye wittnesses b[oth]
this thy tale beside thy selfe dost thou knowe any that will iustifye
By this fier that bournez thats gods aungell I sweare a great oth
Its as trwe as I am trwe in me yow shall nere find dishonestye
There was not many present in deede when this fate were done
my mistrisse only of his sendinge away me privie did make
but that she had another and that he were hir eldest sonne
too of my gossips knoweth also wc h to be trwe their oth will take.
Its twenty yeare since this was done why kepst it so longe closse
an this so wonderfull a thinge be trwe why didst not tell me of this
Ide not toulde yow now but that my husband begonne I do it now perforce
she swore me so sore and yow knowe what a great thinge an oth is
But who be thy other gossips that can testifye the same
I would gladly heare of as many as coulde wittnesse this tale
Cocke Caros wife and Isbell Busby I can tell yow their name
thoughe wear poore yet wear trwe & trusty its no tale of Jacke a male.
an youle haue the truth tried sende to your brother out of hande
That the best & ye surest way that I can devise
Bith mouse foote do so Mr fetch him to his owne notturall lande
let him be no longer yondsay Mr an yow be wise
Ile followe your counsaile by Jhesu Liturgus shall goe forewarde to morrow[e]
I hope if the winde serue him wt hin this moneth heile come againe
I trust now sir youle let me haufe a score of your sowes borrowe
lady blest this was all longe of me chope youle consider my paine
Put no doubte Codrus thouste haue sowes I promisse the plentye
an if my sonne come in saftye thoust near pay me peny rent
By S Bridgit Alison baken & pourke flesh is dentye
say yow me so Mr by my trullit weile then haue one merye[m]***
Hers somewhat oneward depart whome for this tyme *****
an looke yow be ready to bare wittnes if nede shall re*****
Masse Alison for my masters sake at Plonia weile ***
but lets home now and haue a pott oth best wt h a toust ********
O happy man if this be trwe o thrise & foure t*********
before yt fatall sisters three haue woven my *********
[Y]f this I say be trwe I hope to ioy some *********
***** too & fro [wt h feare & ho]pe my l[ife] **********
Mocke one Misogonus if thou wilt if god another sendes
I care not I he as by righte shall haue my goodes & landes
Ile set ye light I warrant the till thou thes fautes amends
wc h yet if thoult repent thoust finde great curtisye at my handes
before yt fatall sisters three haue woven my *********
[Y]f this I say be trwe I hope to ioy some *********
***** too & fro [wt h feare & ho]pe my l[ife] **********
Mocke one Misogonus if thou wilt if god another sendes
I care not I he as by righte shall haue my goodes & landes
Ile set ye light I warrant the till thou thes fautes amends
wc h yet if thoult repent thoust finde great curtisye at my handes
But Ile nowe goe sende Liturgus to my brother in great hast
desiringe him by a lovinge lettre to demise my sonne & heire
After that Ile showe my frende Eupelas what tidings at the last
god hath reveled by a miracle most wonderfull & rare
desiringe him by a lovinge lettre to demise my sonne & heire
After that Ile showe my frende Eupelas what tidings at the last
god hath reveled by a miracle most wonderfull & rare
scena secūnda
Its tyme I trowe here has bene a pratlinge wt
h thes olde fooles
get ye hence wt h a whott murrian to yow all three
that old lyzarde has no more witt then ye wethercocke of poles
a shame take him had he none to make his packehorse but me
get ye hence wt h a whott murrian to yow all three
that old lyzarde has no more witt then ye wethercocke of poles
a shame take him had he none to make his packehorse but me
I had not worse lucke of a day I can not tell whan
must that olde cokes tell him this newes wt h a pestlens
I was curst I thinke truly when that messadge I begann
Its now out it can never be kept more in silence
must that olde cokes tell him this newes wt h a pestlens
I was curst I thinke truly when that messadge I begann
Its now out it can never be kept more in silence
This has bene kepte in hugger mugger a good while
there has bene blind tauke of another sonne I dare say this seven yeare
but what saist thou to thy selfe Cacurgus hast thou no wile
ah ha it shall go harde but ere we slepe weile haue somewhat heare
there has bene blind tauke of another sonne I dare say this seven yeare
but what saist thou to thy selfe Cacurgus hast thou no wile
ah ha it shall go harde but ere we slepe weile haue somewhat heare
Ile trust all curmugingly foxes worse for his sake
ant had bene happy I might haue given him his aunswere & sent him away
an he will not deny it againe his arse shall surely quake
I will make the olde trot beleue hir scinn I will flay
ant had bene happy I might haue given him his aunswere & sent him away
an he will not deny it againe his arse shall surely quake
I will make the olde trot beleue hir scinn I will flay
Did no man mete will sommer here this way alate
I haue longed to tauke wt h the counterfett foole this sennitt
Will sommer nay nor will winter nether tell ye Ile none of that
yeist call me by my christen name or Ile not aunswer by S Bennitt.
What art thou so neare Cacurgus I had thought thou hadst not harde
what newes canst thou tell me of now my old childe.
Heavy newes for yow I can tell yow of a cowlinge carde
it will make yow plucke in your hornes an yow were near so wilde
Plucke in my hornes sais thou he pluckes in my hornes has good lucke
I over came my father man here wt h all his fronte
I faith I knowe a thinge will coule yow & ye weare near such a wild bucke
ites no matter for your father yow must bide yet a worse brunte
Thers near a golia in this shire that shall scare me
my harte is even bige inoughe man to fight wt h a score
Ther will be in this shire shortly that will go near to mare yow
and yow take not hede I tell yow ile tourne yow out a dore
He that can doe that Cacurgus is not in Italia
but tell me who thou meanest wt hout more a dow.
He that will doe that Misogonus is in Apolonia
thers one I tell yow that will quickly yow cowe
And if he were a giaunt coulde scarsly bringe me vnder
but name him that for him my selfe I may prepare
** if leaue such wardes its but a folly thus to thunder
[Yo]ur brother your brother your fathers sonne & heire
***s thou me of a brother thou knowst I haue none
***[n]y come and say heis my brother Ile cutes weason
****** knowe yes y[ou knowe y]our selfe yow h[ave one]
******* [ye can else the land is surely hesown]
go go go go gogees what treacherye haue we here
what villan was he that tolde my father of this
He that tolde him and it had pleased god I would he had layde oth beare
an old crabtre fast carle because a sowe he did misse
I haue harde a whisperinge of such a thinge I must neds confesse
what thinkst thou I hope its but a tale of a tubb
whether he be aliue or no I know not ye had one ites questionles
Yf he be Liturgus bringes him as sure as a clubb
What is Liturgus gone for him, Soule what shall I then do
Ile colefeke him my selfe forte come onte what will
Why knew yow not that; he went forward a fortnit a go
ites not best for yow to fight lest ye one another kill
What shoulde I doe then Cacurgus what remedy is left
my hart woulde even burste for anger, if I should so be servid
I woude worke some wilde if I caud cath the olde mithers eft
if I take him right heist ha that he hath deserved
But what shall I be better canst thou him defeet
helpe me now Cacurgus & while thou livest thoust never lacke
What if the deds of his landes I gett away wt h a fleete
yow nede not care a pinn if yow hate in white & blacke
Fy their vnder a dosinn lockes thou canst never them gett
trye some other way rather if thou hast opportunitye
Get yow hense & lett me alone I will play some fett
I will worke him some displeasure be boulde & that spedye
I will repare to hir then a while from whence I came
and come see the againe wt hin lesse then an houre
Yf that old neet should scape scotfree for this it were a shame
Ile dust him fort one day if ere it lye in my power.
Scena tertia
Intrant Isbell Busby et MadgeIs.
Come gossupe lets hies betyme lest all the Sowes be gone
why should not we hav some as well as that chatteringe Jay
yf we shoude not all the backhouse would be to lile for hir alone
we can say as much ith this claration as she can say
Gogle gogle Gossupe Bub bub busbey Ide go full fayne
and make a sposation as well as I coude
but here in my cho cho chops I haue such a payne
that I can not conclare it thoughe I woud
I haue tongue inoughe fors both Madge I lacke but a good felt
for to tell him howt was I can serve the tourne
pray the do so much as lend me but ene thy red capp and thy belt
ist near looke him ith face else my parrell is so worne
Saunt mary man man man madeline Tib myne is but wold
but if thou coudst helpe me away wt h my tothe ake
Ile gith the I Tib tib tib there tis houlde,
cause I woud my selfe a speakclation make
Some phisicarye ile seke but Ile haue some remedye.
Ile bestowe a peny for castinge thy pisse.
[Na]y it shall near be ca ca cast thoughe I near spea******
*****ra rather my selfe be spechlesse
There be some good men an one coud light one them
wc h woude do ut for godsake wthout prying in a pisspott
Yf I coude gett such a one I were a happy wo wo woman
I coude once a said our lad yes saw saw sawter by rote
Good Lord what great diversitie & alteratione
is that in the manner of diverse people and cuntries
I am here derided of the men of this natione
bycause my garment is pyde not like to their guise
is that in the manner of diverse people and cuntries
bycause my garment is pyde not like to their guise
Yf they were in my cuntrye all men would them scorne
because they are all in one hewe like a company of crowes
for of the best gentlemen theire diverse cullerd garments be worne
we most delight in pyde gownes and litle care for hose
because they are all in one hewe like a company of crowes
for of the best gentlemen theire diverse cullerd garments be worne
we most delight in pyde gownes and litle care for hose
I am by my cuntrye and birth a trwe egiptian
I haue sene the blacke mores and the men of cynd
my father was also a natturall Ethiopian
I must neds be very cuninge I haue it be kinde
I haue sene the blacke mores and the men of cynd
my father was also a natturall Ethiopian
I must neds be very cuninge I haue it be kinde
I haue bene one and twenty mile beyonde the moone
foure yeare together I toucht the sonne when it rose
where I was borne whent is midnight it is here noone
I was fyve yeares wt h them that wt h their heles vpwarde goes
foure yeare together I toucht the sonne when it rose
where I was borne whent is midnight it is here noone
I was fyve yeares wt h them that wt h their heles vpwarde goes
By profession I am a very good phisition
before I coude speake I had learnd all artes liberall
I am also a very scilfull southsaier & magission
to speake at one worde I can do all thinges in generall
before I coude speake I had learnd all artes liberall
I am also a very scilfull southsaier & magission
to speake at one worde I can do all thinges in generall
Ther is no sicknes disease or malady
but I can tell onely by vewinge of the hande
for everie greif I can prscrib a prsente remedye
I haue all thinges that growes in the Indian lande.
but I can tell onely by vewinge of the hande
for everie greif I can prscrib a prsente remedye
I haue all thinges that growes in the Indian lande.
I can cure the aggwe the Massels & the french pocke
ye tetter the Morphewe ye byle, blane & whele
The Megrū the maddnes the pose and the hichcocke
the tothe ake or any thinge at one word I can heale
ye tetter the Morphewe ye byle, blane & whele
The Megrū the maddnes the pose and the hichcocke
the tothe ake or any thinge at one word I can heale
My heade is so full of the supermūdall science
that I am faint to bynde it least my braynes should crowe
this nitcape was given me when doctor I did cōmense
good Lord good Lord what thinges do I knowe
that I am faint to bynde it least my braynes should crowe
this nitcape was given me when doctor I did cōmense
good Lord good Lord what thinges do I knowe
Neither doe I care for any great gaynes wininge
I doe all for god sake and not for any gaine
& before I do deale if any man doubt of my cūinge
that they may knowte I will tell their thought certayne
I doe all for god sake and not for any gaine
& before I do deale if any man doubt of my cūinge
that they may knowte I will tell their thought certayne
[F]or by my liberality I haue in visiogmony
* [c]an tell the cogitations & thought of the mynde
****[y] my great speclation I haue in Exstronomy
*******[g]e past & thinges to come of men I doe finde
* [c]an tell the cogitations & thought of the mynde
****[y] my great speclation I haue in Exstronomy
*******[g]e past & thinges to come of men I doe finde
Therefore if there be anye man or womā in this cuntrey
that would haue their paynes & aches now cured
Lett them come I will Judge of it onely by palmastry
wc h if I can, that I can helpe them they may be assured,
that would haue their paynes & aches now cured
Lett them come I will Judge of it onely by palmastry
wc h if I can, that I can helpe them they may be assured,
Is. et.
what a wise man tis, what a learnd, what a fa* travild man tis.
O Leard Leard wone woude take him for a foole by his gowne & his capp
and he is to fuls a profundiditis as any is ith whole woaude
Won woud thinke as so pra pra practisd a came from go go god a mightens lap[p]
wannt him as bene at Cambridge good laude good laude
Bith meckinse madge Ile go put in one my halliday face
and whestone wt h him for thy tothach & thoust tary be hind
and whestone wt h him for thy tothach & thoust tary be hind
God spede yow Mr Phisicarye god saue your docterships grace
I besech yow to my symplication let your eares be inclind.
I besech yow to my symplication let your eares be inclind.
Good wife did yow not heare when I mad protestatione
of my intelligible experience in the art medicinale
to the intent to heale good folke & I shewed that declaratione
for I ken nowe all thinges by conninge artificiall
of my intelligible experience in the art medicinale
to the intent to heale good folke & I shewed that declaratione
for I ken nowe all thinges by conninge artificiall
Yow come not for your selfe but for a neighboure of yours
wc h is payned in hir mandible wt h a wormetone toth
sister come near sister I will helpe yow wt hin this three houres
yf yow doubt me I will tell your verye thought in good south
wc h is payned in hir mandible wt h a wormetone toth
sister come near sister I will helpe yow wt hin this three houres
yf yow doubt me I will tell your verye thought in good south
A taukes so father millerlye twode do the good at hart rout
come Tib I see by him heis a wise man in deede
Ile be your bedewomane Mr Doctor and youle dout
ze ze ze zech ye yf ye can dout wt h spede
Yf I can saistowe why of my cūinge dost thou doubt
Ile tell the all thou hast done sinse day thou wast borne
and even at this present what thou now gost about
Yf nede be I can prophesy what thou shalt do to morne
What we intend now Sr by your skill are yow wottinge
weile say year an excessd docterable man if that yow can rede
To beare witnes yow ar now both toward your londlord trottinge
that his wife of tow children at once [w]as brought to bede
that his wife of tow children at once [w]as brought to bede
but take hede what yow doe lest yow dame your selves quite
for ye one was not a christen child as yow thought it to be
but a certaine ferye there did dasill yowr sighte
& laid hir changlinge in the infantes cradell trwlye
for ye one was not a christen child as yow thought it to be
but a certaine ferye there did dasill yowr sighte
& laid hir changlinge in the infantes cradell trwlye
Hopinge therby your mistrisse child to haue gott
and to leaue hir changlinge there in the stead
which when she saw in a weke she coud nott
she fetcht it away when yow thought it were dede
and to leaue hir changlinge there in the stead
which when she saw in a weke she coud nott
she fetcht it away when yow thought it were dede
An overwhart neighboure to of yours now alate
tels him whether twas sent as though trwe it had ben.
but sheis a gayte yow knowe well & a very make ****
and the fery from that day to this was near se**
tels him whether twas sent as though trwe it had ben.
but sheis a gayte yow knowe well & a very make ****
and the fery from that day to this was near se**
But take yow hede both I giue yow good warnin**
least yow be stricken hereby either lame or de**
[Yf you] will by cunieratione I will shewe [you] ******
least yow be stricken hereby either lame or de**
[Yf you] will by cunieratione I will shewe [you] ******
Nay good Mr leaue your magication crafte
ites as trwe I knowe as it had comed out of gods owne mouth
I gi gi giue defiaunce to yow so so so so saft saft
Ide rather youde tell me some drinke for my toth
Dost thou beleiue that I can heale the now speake
Yf thou dost thy payne wthin three houres I will qualifye
I am sure yf you list yow can mende my tothake
and I que que quest yow to do it & not dalifye.
Open thy mouth then let me fele wt h my instrument
what is the cause that workes the this payne
Youle ga ga gage me by gods testament
your mo mo moukeforke doth make me so gayne
I haue cured a thousand of thes in my dayes
this I can cure wt h the value of farthinge
know yow not an herbe cald envy that growes bith high ways
and hipocrase that growes in ery garden
I knowe them well I vse them ery day in my porrige
go go gossupe Busbey this fellowe hits naile oth head
And wert not good also to take a litle burrige
she might fare well so and crume them wt h breade.
Fy no take them I tell yow wt h tow drames of lecherye
on drame of venus here Infidelitye & stone rewe
Do yow not meane that hearb wc h we cuntrie folkes call siphory
I near went to leachcraft but I knowe that to be trwe
That same that same mixt all thes wt h an ownce of poperye
then boyle them in maidens water wt h a fire of haste
Thats a wede I thinke we lay people call popye
Ist not that yow meane wc h the good corne doth wast
That tat tat tat by my faith thou hast good skill
Vse them but one night and thoust mend then a pase.
and herafter I will warraunt the thoust never fele ill
so bet thou near vsest aqua vitæ and herb a grase
Yeaue in wenye likt me whole we your tauke whole yow take for your paines
my thinke I speake a great deale be be be better then I did
sister I doe not respect my markett or any gaines
but onely the cōmoditie of them that be afflicted
Now god & our blessed Ladye reward yow for your good Phisication
Ile pray for yow trwly & bitterly fort once a day
Yf thou best askt as I know thou shalt by pronosticatione
whether he had tow sonnes or no looke thou saist nay.
Nay as sure as that good face of yours I do beholde.
I nait and nait againe & a fousand tymes nayt
*[n]d before I sait Ile both raile and scole
****[y] well restrayne me but I will near sait.
********ye do a godles & vncharitable worke
********[w] well for this tyme I must depart
********** [c]lose it ant were toth great turke
***********[m]e to Madge art thou better then [thou wart]
Misogonus | ||