University of Virginia Library

Sce. 1.

Enter [Miranda sol[ileg.]] Colactus wounded with his sword drawn,
What furie brought this Clitophon to feild?
he fights as Victorie weare fall'n in loue
with[e] him, and the relentlesse fates themselues
durst not oppose his valour. he deales his blows
as if we need not wish a greater honour [the]
then to be beaten by him. with him comes
second to his bravadoes a young man,
whō (had hee been a woman) by his face
I should persuade my selfe to be Miranda:
at mee his only ayme is, and so fiercely
that I come of thus wounded from his hand.
The day is surely lost, and I must shift
away for help; else shall I bleed to death.
