University of Virginia Library



Thrushes in twilight green
Sing from a leafy screen;
The linnet and the lark,
Only in deepest dark,
Sleep the still hours away
Betwixt the day and day.
The blackbird calls and calls
Through quiet evenfalls,
Breaking the heart to know
Such songs must pass, must go,
Such beauty die, alas,
Beauty of things that pass!
Just for a day, an hour,
Such green in bush and bower.
Airy as things with wings
Mortal, immortal things,
Dearer because, alas,
Their hour runs in the glass!
Good-bye, ah, sweetest sweeting,
Pouring that heavenly greeting!
Music to-night, to-morrow
The world is old for sorrow.
Even as you sing you fly.
Beauty, good-night, good-bye.