University of Virginia Library




The Church! the Church! revere thy mother's voice;
“Stand on her strength, and in her light rejoice;
“To her obediently in love behave,
“Her offspring from the cradle to the grave—
“Forsake her not, in life and death thy friend,
“And she shall be thy succour to the end!”


She? but who is she? tell me where to search
For this most gentle, loving Mother-Church?
Is she still dwelling in an English home,
Or must I seek and find her nearer Rome?
Is she the pronoun for an altar priest,
Already epicene in garb at least,
With laces, satin vestments, and a cheek
Shaven quite close, and most demurely meek?


Yea!—he so meaneth; he is Light and truth,—
He is the she to loose and bind forsooth;
And his obedient flock howe'er they search,
Must own in him Incarnate Mother-Church,
He both the bride and bridegroom in a trope,
He, the Infallible, the village Pope!