University of Virginia Library



Cannon bom, bom—cannon bom, bom,
Trumpeters sounding, away! away!
“Five kisses to you, pretty maiden in blue,
And a gold ring, but not just to-day, to-day.”
Fifers tweet, tweet—fifers tweet, tweet,
Trumpeters sounding, away! away!
“Here's the bill and the score, twenty bottles or more;”
“O we'll settle, but not just to-day, to-day.”
Cannon bom, bom—cannon bom, bom,
Trumpeters sounding, away! away!
“Here's the charter and seal—do you think we would steal?”
“And the town plate?” “O not just to-day, to-day.”


Fifers tweet, tweet—fifers tweet, tweet,
Trumpeters sounding, away! away!
“Quick, the chalice and cup—here's that priest coming up,”
“And the paten!” “O not just to-day, to-day.”
Trumpeter sound—trumpeter sound,
The troopers are riding away! away!
“Here's the sheriff and mayor—how they noddle and stare!”
“And the town plate?” “Well, not just to-day, to-day.”