University of Virginia Library



My Herbert, when next
You feel rather vext,
And something has happened amiss;
Don't set up a roar,
Such folly give o'er,
But give dear Mama a good kiss.
Whene'er you fall down
And crack your poor crown,
Pray get up as fast as you can;
Without any crying,
Or sobbing or sighing,
And then we shall call you a man.
When Grandmama calls,
Give up bricks and balls,
And quickly your lesson begin;
Endeavour to spell,
And try to read well,
And then a good name you will win.
Be gentle to Sister,
And when you have kissed her,
Don't give her too bearish a squeeze;
But love her indeed,
And teach her to read,
And think it no pleasure to tease.


Don't call it fine fun
To scamper and run,
And hide yourself under the bed;
Take care of your ball,
For fear it should fall,
And break something over your head.
Your hoop you take pride
Round corners to guide,
And some day a top you may spin;
Away from the pump
Immediately stump,
When Nurse says it's time to come in.