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Sea Songs

By W. C. Bennett

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We may be rough outside,
Rougher than your landsmen are,
But hearts within us hide
That, than theirs, are softer far;
The cheeks are rough and red,
'Gainst which the tempests blow;
Don't be by that misled,
While a warm heart beats below;
Then take me, lass, for life;
A sailor's darling be;
You'll know, when you're my wife,
What hearts we bring from sea.
We've not the smooth ways, perhaps,
That some can show on land;
But we're men, we sailor chaps,
As your eyes can understand;


Lisping words polite and cold
Your landsmen's way may be,
But our love in tones is told
That we catch from storms at sea;
Then take me, lass, for life;
A sailor's darling be;
You'll know, when you're my wife,
What hearts we bring from sea.