University of Virginia Library



I dreamed that, having died, my soul was brought
Into the Presence. Many angels stood
Around, and with delight upon me gazed;
And higher I discerned the face of God
Diffusing silent universal bliss.
Then moved an angel toward me, and with joy
Addressed me, saying: “Come and rest at last,
And having rested, then thou shalt rejoice.”
The heavenly company smiled on me sweet;
But I unbared my soul, and showed to them


That wound which never human word, or hope,
Or pity hath ever 'suaged; and at the sight
A strange disturbance on the spirits came,
And even a dimness on the face of God.
Then rose from God's right hand a gentle Form,
With silent eyes that said, “Hast thou forgot?”
And He disclosed His branded brow and hands.
But I toward Him turning softly said,
“Thy wounds are many, but Thou hadst no child.”