University of Virginia Library


XIV—She stands by His Cross

Lady of the sorrows,
Thou dost know
Agony of agony,
Woe of woe:
All God's waves and billows
O'er thee go.
Was there ever woman
Suffered so?
Mockery in purple
Wrapt Him erst:
Now the dreadful darkness,
Deepest, worst,
Binds Him tight and deadly,
Robe accurst.
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Last and First.
Does she stand in silence
Till the cry
Of the God-forsaken
Rends the sky,


With the piercing anguish
Of its why?
Death of deaths He tasteth
Ere He die.
When the evening husheth
Day's wild stir,
They will bear in linen,
Aloes, myrrh,
Her Beloved to the
Him they laid within the
Arms of her.
Then, O Mary Mother,
Wilt thou weep?
Now the day is ended,
God will keep
Watch above thee taking
Rest full deep;
Till thine Easter harvest
Thou shalt reap.