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In Imitation of Hudibras

The Dissenting Hypocrite, or Occasional Conformist; with reflections On Two of the Ring-Leaders, &c. Viz. I. Their Works and Writings. II. Their Professions and Principles. III. Their Qualifications and Parts. IV. Their Persons and Practices [by Edward Ward]

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Religion never was the Squabble;
For Int'rest made the Whiggish Rabble.
When e'er they rais'd the greatest Bluster;
The Church revil'd, prophanely curst Her;
Remonstrated against her Truths;
A Bishoprick would stop their Mouths.
I need not mention some Scotch Prelates.
Let him renounce, that living Well hates.


Let him that came from Covenanting,
Leave off his Hypocritic Canting;
Retract his false Unthankful Flouting
The English Church with Persecuting,
E'er since the Time o'th' Reformation
Down to his present Lordly Station.
He that thinks so o'th' Church, 'tis fit,
Should first-in Peace relinquish it;
Or else by his own Argument,
He's but a Persecuting Saint,
For All's pretended Moderation
In loud Harangue and long Oration.
He that is such a Church's Pastor
In Persecution and Disaster,
Must needs be stil'd a Persecutor,
Till he renounce Her for the Future.


Were e'er, God save our Gracious Queen,
Such Presbyterian Bi---ops seen?
Who can Episcopacy flatter,
And hold it betwixt Wind and Water,
In This profess it, at Command,
Abolish't in Another Land.
What must then be poor England's Woes
'Twixt Bishops Friends and Bishops Foes?