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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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X. Genesis, Chap. XI. Ver. 1. to 9.

The Tower of Babel. The Confusion of Languages.

The Sons of Noah, by their Saviour bless'd,
Renew Mankind, to num'rous Tribes incres'd:
From lofty Ararat they now descend,
And with the Sun, their Guide, still Westward bend:
Their Language and their Dialect the same,
To Shinars fruitful Plain they journying came.
Vain of their Strength (but what is Strength in Man?
A vast Attempt they in Ill-Hour began.
See where the Tow'ry Walls of Babel rise
And threaten, and almost surmount the Skies!
What Hills on Hills the busy Pismires cast,
What fruitless Care, and unavailing Hast!
Distracted men! Is this, is this the way
To reach the Confines of eternal Day!
Or did you these stupendious Buildings frame
To boast your Pow'r, or aggrandize your Name?
Alike in vain! Behold th'Almighty smile
At your Attempts, and blast your impious Pile!
Confus'd your Dialect, you all disperse
In various Tribes around the Universe.
And shou'd a Second Nimrod proudly rise,
And reassume your War against the Skies;
Kingdoms on Kingdoms pile to raise his Throne,
Or wast the trembling World to reign alone:
With equal Ease can Heav'n his Pride confound,
And lay his short-liv'd Babel scatter'd on the ground.