University of Virginia Library



[Fair is thy vale, Aumerle! of ample space]


The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Fair is thy vale, Aumerle! of ample space,
Sweet interchange of streamlet, lawn and grove,
Thy fruitful lap the yellow harvests grace,
A thousand herds along thy pastures rove.
O canst thou not, fair vale, within thy bound
Which spacious fields, and lawns, and groves contains,
Yield to two lovers some sequester'd ground,
Where they may twine their bow'r, and bless thy plains?


Alas! Love pleads in vain: thy fruitful fields,
Thy groves & lawns rich lords relentless share,
For them thy lap its yellow harvest yields,
For them thy flocks, thy trees their gifts prepare.
O hapless love, that in the grove and plain,
Thy dwelling once, now findest no retreat;
O hapless vale, whose ample bounds contain
No secret shade where love may make her seat!