Songs, Duets, &c in Tricks upon Travellers, a comic opera, in three acts [by James Bland Burges]; first performed at the English Opera, at the Lyceum Theatre, in the Strand, on Monday, July 9th, 1810. The music entirely new, composed by Mr. Reeve and Mr. C. Horn. The overture by Mr. Reeve. The new scenes by Mr. Greenwood. The dresses by Mr. Banks and Mrs. Robinson. Second edition |
![]() | I. |
![]() | II. |
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Act III.
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Act III.
[Suspense (of bliss the direst foe)]
Suspense (of bliss the direst foe)No more my peace annoy;
Let me at once my misery know,
Or let me taste of joy,
With lovely woman.
When fancy exulting, paints new scenes of pleasure,And bids us to transport give way;
While smiling she beckons us on to our treasure,
How cruel to suffer delay!
Suspense, &c.
[To decide on the merits of wine in a cask]
To decide on the merits of wine in a cask,
From what vintage it comes, is the first thing we ask:
When that's ascertain'd, and its character known,
We purchase it boldly, and make it our own.
From what vintage it comes, is the first thing we ask:
When that's ascertain'd, and its character known,
We purchase it boldly, and make it our own.
The sportsman who wants a good horse for the chase,
With careful attention examines its race;
If the pedigree's clear, and its character high,
Whatever the price, he ne'er scruples to buy.
With careful attention examines its race;
If the pedigree's clear, and its character high,
Whatever the price, he ne'er scruples to buy.
[Ha! ha! ha! ha! There's no containing—]
Beatrice.Ha! ha! ha! ha! There's no containing—
From laughter there is no refraining.
How the bait the gudgeon swallow'd;
How the wise assembly follow'd!
I my story told so gravely—
I the not'ry play'd so bravely—
Crying, lying, stating, rating—
Bouncing, flouncing, daring, swearing—
Oh! 'twas sport beyond all bearing!
You both were quite perfect—the work was well done—
Now mark, our catastrophe soon will come on.
Hasten home, and make ready—I soon shall be there—
You'd better make off while the coast remains clear.
Mind your behaviour now—apply
Your handkerchief to either eye.
Slouch your hat formally, and bear
Yourself with a true not'ry's air.
If we succeed the day's our own.
Sweet is the prize that's hardly won.
FINALE. (Horn).
[We all now are friends, so have done with your funning—]
We all now are friends, so have done with your funning—We have prov'd, 'tis acknowledg'd, no match for your cunning.
Come then,—what is past let's forget and forgive:
To please and be pleas'd be henceforward our task;
For the favour of those, by whose favour we live,
Is all we aspire to, and all we can ask.
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