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The History of Polindor and Flostella

With Other Poems. By I. H. [i.e. John Harington] The third Edition, Revised and much Enlarged

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Thus drest, transform'd, forth trac'd our proper Nun;
Rufin with cheerfull Minde follow'd soon,
Just within view, till drawing neer the Grove,
Joyn'd all for th' Vestall Mansion; where to's Love
Th' esteem'd Flostel (though call'd Pledora there,
Himself Althusa nam'd, her Cousin, neer
In Blood respect to boot) as Night-comrade
He's entred, Nun of choyce: though grown (as said)
Ill rester lately, through distemper'd head
(Such her Injunction) had his Trundle-bed.
Proud Chamber-fellow (at least) becoming so,
Truest Brides-groom; first Quartridge pay'd: but, O,
Th' Hearts inward conflicts, checks! least Lovers eyes
Blab'd more then Friend, what suted meer Allyes,
Or th' female same Sex; whilst those Virgin crew
Flock'd round to welcome all, did fondly'st view.