University of Virginia Library

No. 53. Welcome to Prince Frederick

A torn fragment

The Muse's Task be this, with gentle art
To tune the temper, and to sooth the Heart,
The swelling Tides of Glory to assuage,
And suit her offerings to thy growing Age


In vain the Vulgar Great, to Titles born,
Scorn'd by the Muses, Scorn repay with Scorn;
In vain the dull of head, and cold of heart,
As Banes to Business damp each graceful Art: [OMITTED]
Long live the Third of Brunswick's royal line,
Long live the poet's prince [OMITTED] and Thine
Like him when young, among the Muses rove
And trust the Thunder to the arm of Jove.
Nor blame as rudely bold the Learned Band,
Long cheer'd by Kings in polish'd Britain's land.
Sydney & Raleigh grac'd with deathless rays
Elizas reign in Albion's golden days:
Who boasts not more of Bacon, near the Throne
Or, Charles, thy Hyde, or George, thy Addison?
Old Saxon Alfred felt the pleasing fire
Nor Lion-hearted Richard scorn'd the Lyre,
The tuneful Hero oft on Judah's land
To the sweet strings apply'd his martial hand [OMITTED]
Amidst the welcomes of thy Royal race,
Thy Mother's smiles, they Father's fond embrace,
The Senates homage, and the Land's acclaim
A heart which joys the raptur'd Muse inflame
Bold to retouch the Lute forgot so long
And hail the Darling of our future Song.
At length Britannia round her Monarch's throne
Sees his whole House, and boasts it all her own.
[Tickell papers.]