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Basia Joannis Secundi Nicolai Hagensis

or The Kisses of Joannes Secundus Nicolaius of the Hague. In Latin and English Verse. With the Life of Secundus, and a Critic upon his Basia. Adorn'd with a Cut of the Author, and another of his Mistress Julia, engrav'd by the famous Bernard Picart the Roman [by George Ogle]

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Why, thus (Impertinently-kind!)
To me that rosy Lip inclin'd?
No more thy Kisses I regard,
Neæra, hard, as Marble hard!
To Me those Kisses grate-less prove.
Those Kisses! idle Lures to Love!


That tender Anguish ill-requite!
That im-potent Desire in-cite!
Rack ev'ry Nerve with fruitless Pain!—
With rest-less Rage swell ev'ry Vein!—
Ah! whither woud'st Thou fly away?
Stay, Lovely, I ad-jure Thee, stay!
Nor me, that sweetly-speaking Eye,
Nor rosy-blooming Lip, deny.
Ah! yes! as all the Gods can tell;
As thou-thy-self can'st witness well;
Those Kisses, but too-gratefull prove.
Those Kisses! matchless Lures to Love!
Ah! yes! their pleasing Pow'rs I own,
Neæra, soft as softest Down!