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The Year of Wonders

Being a literal and poetical translation of an old Latin prophecy, found near Merlin's cave, By S---n D---k [i.e. Stephen Duck]

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The Man of Honour, resolutely just,
Nor acts nor moves, but conscious of his Trust,
So full of Truth, has such Contempt for Guile,
Each Frown intends a Frown, each Smile a Smile,
His Judgment with a due Reflection fraught,
Has his Ideas to Perfection brought:
Correct in Censure, cautious in his Praise,
Maturely thinks, and what he thinks he says;
Warm without Madness! zealous in the Right,
Free, not licentious, keeps each Sense full bright
Serene in Calms, by Storms unshaken still,
Fond of good Offices, averse to ill:
Ingenuous, universal Good intends,
And has in all his Thoughts the noblest Ends:
Above Temptation; jealous of the loud,
And flies the wild Applauses of the Crowd:
A Patriot-Act would in a Foe commend,
And would condemn Corruption in a Friend:


No Bigot, from all Party-Pique quite free,
To Knaves in Raggs or Lace, an Enemy:
Loves Britain's Welfare, and observes her Laws,
The Courtier's Torment, Envy and Applause.