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I answer, that if they cannot discover
That God deludes them, how can any other
That prosecutes this strange objection charge,
The just, and righteous God, with couzenage?
What are they turned Gods? that they
Can thus unlock; disclose, display,
This hidden veiled mystery,
That none within the World espie;

Rom. 11. 33.

that Gods wayes without all doubt


Psal 77. 19. [HEBREW]

a ships way, past finding out?

Surel', if there be no reprobates,
Can say that God equivocates
With any, with them, while h'exhorted
Them to believe, and be converted,
And yet with-holds the grace, whereby
They should upon his Son relye;
Because th are cannot truly know,
Whether they reprobates or no:
Then surely he that doth maintain
This mysticall, or rather vain
Objection, must give ore for shame,
Thus basely the great God to blame,


Till of himself he's able to trace
The just God in fault, and in his own case
Only, and not on others thus to declaim
Before themselves in any wise complain
Of Gods dealing with them, who do not vent
A word (perchance) against unchang'd intent.
Thus more, be pleas'd to give me leave,
God doth not reprobates deceive,
In offering grace to them by
The Gospel in its Ministry;
Though he resolveth not to give
The faith by which the just do live;
Because th'reprobates I will maintain
By th'Gospel preach't to them do gain:


As first, oft-times they bear away
That which becomes a present stay
To their drooping souls, which would sink
Into despair, should they not drink
Of th'Gospels spring; possibility
They have, and more, a probability
Of true conversion, which none under heaven
Have, but such to whom the Gospel's given.


And secondly, they know the Attributes
Of God which to the World he distributes,


They know the nature, suff'rings and merits
Of Jesus Christ, and who (by him) inherits
The Kingdom, they know 'tis such alone
That hath a

Ezck. 36. 26.

soft, not a heart of stone.