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Trivial poems

and triolets. Written in obedience to Mrs Tomkin's commands, By Patrick Carey

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[Speake of somewhat else I pray]


To a French Tune.


Speake of somewhat else I pray;
This yeare, I'le not married bee:
Lilly (Joane) fortells, they say,
That hornes plenty wee shall see:
This aspect of Capricorne,
I'le lett passe, for feare o'the horne.


Not that I pretend alone
To goe free, since 'tis i'th' text;
Cuckolds shall bee euery one;
In this world, or in the next.
I'de a while keepe out o'th' heard;
That's not lost, that is differr'd.


I'ue not patience yett enough,
All my gelosye's not gonne;
I'de stay, till my fore-head tough
Felt not, when that capp's putt on:
Quietly then, with the rest,
I shall beare the well-knowne crest.



When Joue th'European rape
Did committ, large hornes hee wore;
Though hee reassum'd his shape,
Those hee euer after bore:
Since the Gods doe weare them then,
Why should they be scorn'd by men.


Cause great lords are crown'd, you guesse
That their heads noe hornes doe beare;
Yett, allthough wee see them lesse,
Joane! assure thy selfe, th'are there:
Neither learning, strength, nor state
Can secure us from that fate.


For one branch the begger hes,
Forty can the rich man show;
Whilst by madame often was
Th'horner payde, to make them soe:
Cuckold then who feares to bee,
Meritts not good company.


From such honour, yett awhile
I'le bee kept, by my weake stead:
But ere long (Joane) thou shalt smile,
Seeing how my fayre hornes spread.
For my comfort: cuckolds (Jone)
I'le make thousands; bee but one.