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Thys Ierusalem lombe hade neuer pechche
Of oþer huee bot quyt Iolyf
Þat mot ne masklle moȝt on streche
For wolle quyte so ronk & ryf,
For-þy vche saule þat hade neuer teche,
Is to þat lombe a worthyly wyf;
And þas vch day a store he feche,
Among vus commeȝ non oþer strot ne stryf,
Bot vchon enle we wolde were fyf,
Þe mo þe myryer so god me blesse.
In compayny gret our luf con þryf
In honour more & neuer þe lesse.


Lasse of blysse may non vus bryng
Þat beren þys perle vpon oure bereste,
For þay of mote couþe neuer mynge,
Of spotleȝ perleȝ þa[y] baren þe creste,
Al-þaz oure corses in clotteȝ clynge,
& ȝe remen for rauþe wyth-outen reste,
We þurȝ-outly hauen cnawyng;
Of[o]n dethe ful oure hope is drest,
Þe lombe vus gladeȝ, oure care is kest;
He myrþeȝ vus alle at vch a mes,
Vchoneȝ blysse is breme & beste,
& neuer oneȝ honour ȝet neuer þ;e les.
Lest les þou leue my tale farande,
In appocalyppece is wryten in wro
I seghe, says Iohan, þe loumbe hym stande,
On þe mount of syon ful þryuen & þro,
& wyth hym maydenneȝ an hundreþe þowsande
& fowre & forty þowsande mo
On alle her forhedeȝ wryten I fande,
Þe lombeȝ nome, hys fadereȝ also.
A hue fro heuen I herde þoo,
Lyk flodeȝ fele laden, runnen on resse,
& as þunder þroweȝ in torreȝ blo,
Þat lote I leue watȝ neuer þe les.
Nauþeles þaȝ hit schowted scharpe,
& ledden loude al-þaȝ hit were.
A note ful nwe I herde hem warpe,
To lysten þat watȝ ful lufly dere,
As harporeȝ harpen in her harpe,
Þat nwe songe þay songen ful cler.
In sounande noteȝ a gentyl carpe,
Ful fayre þe modeȝ þay fonge in fere
Ryȝt byfore godeȝ chayere,
& þe fowre besteȝ þat hym obes,
& þe alder-men so sadde of chere,
Her songe þay songen neuer þe les;


Nowþe-lese non watȝ neuer so quoynt,
For alle þe crafteȝ þat euer þay knewe.
Þat of þat songe myȝt synge a poynt,
Bot þat meyny þe lombe þay swe,
For þay arn boȝt fro þe vrþe aloynte.
As newe fryt to god ful due
& to þe gentyl lombe hit arn amoynt,
As lyk to hym self a lote & hwe,
For neuer lesyng ne tale vn-trwe,
Ne towched her tonge for no dysstresse.
Þat moteles meyny may neuer remwe,
Fro þat maskeleȝ mayster neuer þe les.”
“Neuer þe les let be my þonc,”
Quod I, “my perle þaȝ I appose,
I schulde not tempte þy wyt so wlonc,
To krysteȝ chambre þat art Ichose,
I am bot mokke & mul among,
& þou so ryche a reken rose,
& bydeȝ here by þys blysful bonc
Þer lyueȝ lyste may neuer lose,
Now hynde þat sympelnesse coneȝ enclose,
I wolde þe aske a þynge expresse,
& þaȝ I be bustwys as a blose
Let my bone vayl neuer þe lese.