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[The faythful man that feareth God]

Ad te domine leuaui animā. Psal. xxi

The faythful man that feareth God
doth praye wyth harte and mynde
For helpe agaynste hys enemyes
the perfyte waye to fynde
To the I lyfte my soule o lorde
my god I trust in the
Oh suffre not myne enemyes
to triumphe ouer me
For all they that in the hope
ashamed shall not be
And they that vseth skorne & spyght
shall be confounded of the
My kynge my God I praye to the
shewe me nowe thy wayes
O Lorde, & teache thy pathes to me
and I wyll geue the the prayse
Leade me Lord thy trueth to speake
and learne me to be iuste
Thou art my God & my sauiour eke
all daye in the I truste
O call to thy remembraunce
thy tender mercy pure

And eke thy louyng kyndnes lorde
that euer hath bene sure
Remēber not my synnes o God
and fraylte of my youth
For thy goodnes and mercyes sake
thynke on me lord wyth ruthe
How frendly and howe ryghteous
is god the lord of myght
Therfore he wyl the synners teach
to walke the waye of right
The symple he doeth leade aryght
and kepeth them nyght and day
Such as be meke them learneth he
to walke ryght in hys waye
The wayes of god are mercyfull
and faythfulnes is plyght
To al that kepe his testamente
and couenaunt aryght
For thy name sake o lyuynge lorde
be mercyful to me
And to my sinnes for they be greate
and myne iniquyte
What so euer he be
that feareth the lorde I saye

He shall to hym show his preceptes,
and eke hys chosen waye
Hys soule shall euer dwell at ease
thereof I you insure
Hys sede shall styll possesse the lande
for euer to endure
The secretes of the lorde ar knowē,
to theym that feare hym styll
He sheweth to them hys testament,
hys couenaunt and wyll
Myne eyes are lokynge to the lord
on whom my truste is sette
For by hys might he shall pluck out
my fete oute of the nette
Turne the vnto me o God
nowe for thy mercyes sake
Haue mercye Lorde on me
for I am desolate
The sorowes of my harte be greate
full sore it doeth me greue
O bringe me out of troubles Lorde
In the I do beleue
Loke vpon my myserye
and myne aduersytie

Forgeue me all my synnes o lorde
I haue offended the
Consyder how myne enemyes
be many moche and greate
And beare an harte malycyous
for they wolde me defete
O kepe thou my soule o god
and eke delyuer me
Let me not be confounded lorde
I put my truste in the
Righteous dealyng & innocencye
now wyth me let them dwell
And out of hys aduersyte
delyuer Israell.