The first set of English Madrigals To 3. 4. 5. and 6 parts apt both for Viols and Voyces. With a Mourning Song in memory of Prince Henry |
Songs of 5. parts |
The first set of English Madrigals | ||
Songs of 5. parts
[XIII. Sweet Philomel, cease]
Sweet Philomell, ceaseSweet Philomell, cease, cease thou thy songs a while cease thou thy songs a while, And will thy mates, and will thy mates their melodyes, their melodyes to leaue, And all, and all at once attend my mournfull stile, my mournefull stile, Which will of mirth, of mirth your sugred notes, your sugred notes bereaue, your sugred notes bereaue, If you desire the burthen of my song, the burthen of my song, I sigh, and sob, for Phillis I did wrong, I sigh, and sob, I sigh, and sob, for Phillis I did wrong, I sigh, and sob, for Phillis I did wrong.
[XIIII. Yee Siluan Nimphs]
Yee Siluan Nimphs, yee Siluan NimphsYee Siluan Nimphs, yee Siluan Nimphs, that in these woods doe shroud, that in these woods do shroud, do shroud, To you my mornefull sorrowes, my mornefull sorrowes, my mornefull sorrows I declare, You sauage Satires let your eares be bound, your eares be bound, You sauage Satires let your eares be bound, To heare my woe, your sacred selues prepare, your sacred selues prepare, your sacred selues prepare, Trees, Hearbs, and Flowres in rurall fields that grow, while thus I mourn, I mourn, while I mourne, doe you some silence show. some silence show.
[XV. Flora fayre Nimph]
Flora fayre Nimph,Flora fayre Nimph, whilest silly Lambs are feeding, fayre Nimph, whilest silly Lambes are feeding, are feeding, Graunt my request, graunt my request, graunt my request, graunt my request in speeding, For your sweet loue, sweet loue my hart doth languish, for your sweet loue my silly hart doth languish, my silly hart doth languish, And dye I shall, and dye I shall, and dye I shall, and dye I shall, except you quench the anguish, except you quench the anguish.
[XVI. Phillis the bright]
Phillis the bright, when franckly she, when franckly she desiredPhillis the bright, when franckly she, when franckly she desired, Thirsis her sweet hart to haue exspired, Phillis the bright, when franckly she, when franckly she desired, Thirsis her sweet hart to haue exspired, Sweet (thus fell she a crying) Sweet, thus fell she a crying, Dye, for I am a dying, a dying, for I am a dying, dye, for I am a dying, Sweet, sweet, (thus fell she a crying) Dye, for I am a dying a dying, Dye, for I am a dying, dye, for I am a dying.
[XVII. Hope of my hart]
Hope of my hart, oh, wherefore doe the wordsHope of my hart, oh, wherefore doe the words, Oh, oh, which your sweet tongue affords, which your sweet tongue affords, no hope impart, no hope impart, impart? But cruell without measure, To my eternall payne, to my eternall paine, eternall paine, Still thunder forth disdaine, still thunder forth disdaine, On him whose life, on him whose life, on him whose life depends vpon your pleasure? vpon your pleasure, whose life depends vpon your pleasure?
[XVIII. Upon a bank with Roses set about]
Upon a banke with Roses set aboutUpon a banke with Roses set about, Vpon a banke with Roses set about, with where pretty Turtles, ioyning bill to bill, And gentle springs steale softly murmuring out, Washing the foote of pleasures sacred hill, There little Loue sore wounded lyes, sore wounded lyes, His bow and arrowes broken, bedew'd with teares from Uenus eyes, with teares from Uenus eyes, Oh grieuous to be spoken, oh, Oh grieuous to be spoken.
The first set of English Madrigals | ||