University of Virginia Library

XV. Wilt thou vnkind thus reaue me of my harte


Wilt thou vnkind thus reaue me
Of my harte, and so leaue me:
Farewell but yet or ere I part (O cruell) kisse me
Sweete my Iewell. Farewell.


Hope by disdayne growes chereles
feare doth loue, loue doth feare,
beautie peareles. Farewell.


If no delayes can moue thee,
life shall dye, death shall liue
stil to loue thee. Farewell.


Yet be thou mindfull euer,
heate from fire, fire from heat
none can seuer. Farewell.


True loue cannot be chainged,
though delight from desert
be estranged. Farewell.