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The Muses Gardin for Delights

Or the fift Booke of Ayres, onely for the Lute, the Base-vyoll, and the Voyce

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[As I lay lately in a dreame]


As I lay lately in a dreame,
Me thought I saw a wonderous thing,
A woman faire transformed was
Into a Fidle, without a string,
A Metamorphosis so rare,
As all most made mee wake for feare,
O this is rare, yea verie rare,
A wonderous thing so faire a Fidle
Didle, didle didle, a fidle didle,
So faire a Fidle should want a string.


Till honest neighbours dwelling nigh,
Said they would all her wants supply,
And said that they haue strings in store,
For such a Fidle and fortie more,
For loue they beare vnto the sport,
Theyle make her fit for the consort.
O this is rare,
Yea, very rare.


Theyle send her first to some that can,
Put in the peg, and peg her than,
If that her bridge be broken so,
As that the Fidle cannot go,
Theyle soone deuise some other way,
To make her sound the round-delay.
O this is rare,
Yea very rare,


When they haue set her in the keye,
You must not straine her strings so high,
For feare the Fidle chance to crake,
Nor let the strings be too too slacke,
The Diapason is her sound,
The lowest note is most profound.
O this is rare,
Yea very rare.


But note a discord in Musicke,
To sound some Note without the pricke,
And then for keeping of your moode,
Sing three to one thats passing good,
Of all the Notes in Gamuet scale,
The Long is that which must not faile.
O this is rare.
Yea very rare.