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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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[In this version the first two verses are the same as in the other, with the following exceptions:— Verse 1, line 2, has “Triumph of nature,” for “Natours triumph.” Verse 1, line 8, reads—“Quho lyfe of the alone doth craue.” Verse 2, line 6, has “potions,” for “poysoune.” Verse 3 is given here in full.]

Sould crueltie, sueit love, ecclipse
Those eyes quhos smyls seame voyd of wraith?
Or sould those soule enchanting lips
Pronounce the sentance of my death?
Banisch disdain, (my deirt), O spair
In guiltles blood thy hands to stayne!
Be bountifull as thow art fair,
Measur thy pitty wt my pain.
So shall my Muse rich trophes rayse
To eternize thy endles prayse,
Qll heavins haue stars, qll sune hath rayes,
Wt light all creatours cheering;
Qll Cupid's scepter earth o'rsweyes
Nor great nor small forbearing,
Thy prayse sall
Amaze all
Things sensible of heering.


S. W. M., Rowallan.