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14. [How suld my febill body fure.]

How suld my febill body fure,
The dowble dolour I indure,
The mornyng and the grit mallure,
Can nane devyne;
Quhilk garris my bailfull breist combure
To se ane vþir haif þe cure,
Þat suld by myne.
For weill I wait wes nevir wicht,
Wald sa inforss his mynd & mycht,
To lufe & serf his lady bricht
And want hir syne,
As I do, martir day and nycht,
Without the only thing of rycht,
That [suld be myne].
War I of pissans for to prufe,
My lawty & my hairtly lufe,
I suld hir mynd to mercy mufe,
With sic propyne.
War all þe warld at my behufe,
Scho suld it haif, be god abufe,
That suld be myne.
Now quhome to sall I mak my mone,
Sen trewth & constans fynd I none,
For all the fathfull lufe is gone
Of femenene.
It wald vpross ane hart of stone,
To se me lost for lufe of one
That [suld be myne].


Quha suld my dullit spreitis raiss,
Sen for no lufe my lady gaiss,
Bot and gud scheruice mycht hir maiss
Scho suld inclyne.
I dre þe dollour and diseiss,
Quhen vþiris hes hir as thay pleiss,
That suld be myne.
I may persaif þat weill be thiss
That all the blythnes, joy, and bliss,
The lusty, wantoun lyfe, I wiss,
Of lufe is hyne;
And no remeid, sen so it iss,
Bot paciens, suppoiss I miss
That suld be myne.
For nobillis hes nocht ay renown,
Nor gentillis ay the gayest goun,
Thay cary victuallis to þe toun
That werst dois dyne:
Sa bissely to busk I boun,
Ane vþir eitis the berry doun
That suld be myn[e].
Quha wald the rege of ȝowtheid dant,
Let thame the court of luvaris hant,
And tham as Venus subiectis grant
And keip hir tryme:
Perchance thay sall find freindschip skant,
And abill thair rewaird to want,
As I did myne.