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Scillaes Metamorphosis: Enterlaced with the vnfortunate loue of Glaucus

VVhereunto is annexed the delectable discourse of the discontented Satyre: with sundrie other most absolute Poems and Sonnets. Contayning the detestable tyrannie of Disdaine, and Comicall triumph of Constancie: Verie fit for young Courtiers to peruse, and coy Dames to remember. By Thomas Lodge

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[The earth late choakt with showers]

The earth late choakt with showers
Is now araid in greene:
Her bosome springs with flowers,
The aire dissolues her teene,
The heauens laugh at her glorie:
Yet bide I sad and sorie.
The woods are deckt with leaues,
And trees are cloathed gaie,
And Flora crownd with sheues
With oaken boughs dooth play:
Where I am clad in blacke,
The token of my wracke.
The birds vpon the trees
Doo sing with pleasant voices,
And chaunt in their degrees
Their loues and luckie choices:
When I, whilst they are singing.
With sighs mine armes am wringing.
The Thrushes seeke the shade,
And I my fatall graue:
Their flight to heauen is made,
My walke on earth I haue:
They free, I thrall: they ioylly,
I sad and penciue wholly.