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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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Disloyall Silvia; See
What now your Scorne has done;
I have my Libertye:
Goe follow you your owne.
I sing another Name, and sing her faire;
Loe, where she Comes, with thousand Cupids sett
In either Eye; and all the Sweets, which were
Your beautie's prize, in her againe are mett;
You were but what I sung you; when I call
My verses backe, your Beauties vanish All.
See; (to torment your soule)
Who has tooke vp your place;
I must Confesse, a foule
Deformèd, Sootie face;
Darke as the Night, her Eyes; her haire vndrest,
Like Adders on her Curbèd Shoulders fall;
Her Limnes Distorted, and her name profest,
Leud Prostitute to Everie Stranger's call;
Yet, in a liveing verse, I will transforme
Her faults perfection, and her name adorne.
Splitt your proud heart with greife,
To know, another must
Gaine, by my verse, a Life;
When yours, hid in the rust


Of Sad Decay, noe mention shall find;
My deare Nicotiana is more true
And not soe Common; (though with every wind
She varie Love) and ffairer much then you:
This Common Strumpet of the Times, to you
Is ffaire, and Chast, (and though still changeing) true.