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Poems, and phancies

written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, And Excellent Princess The Lady Marchioness of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Impression, much Altered and Corrected

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Of Earth.

VVhy's Earth not apt to move, but slow and dull?
Flat Atomes have no Vacuum, but are full;
That Form admits no empty place to bide,
All parts are fill'd, having no hollow side ;
And where no Vacuum is, there's Motion slow,
Having no empty places for to go.
Though Atomes all are small, as small may be,
Yet by their Forms doth Motion disagree:
For Atomes sharp do make themselves a Way,
Cutting through other Atomes as they stray;
But Atomes flat will dull and lazy lye,
Having no Edge nor Point a way to try.

As Round and Long Atomes have.

The numbers of Sharp Atomes do peirce and make way through greater numbers of other Atomes, as for example a Spark of Fire will kindle and burn up a House.