University of Virginia Library


Psal. 15. Domine, quis?

Psalmus Davidis.


Who, Lord, shall sojourne in thy Tent?
Inhabit who thy holy Hill?
Who perfect walkes, is working still


The workes of Justice to fulfill;
In heart meanes truth; truth speakes as ment.


Whose tongue to slander cannot frame,
Doth to his friend no evill thing,
Nor gives nor takes reproaches sting,
From mischiefes venom'd mouth to fling,
Against his neighbours honest name.


Whose eye (all kind respect forgot)
Holds in contempt a person vile;
But rankes them high in honours file,
To feare the Lord, that set their while:
Sweares to his hurt, and changeth not.


Gives not to biting Usurie,
For sordid gaine, his silver lent,
Sells not for bribe the innocent;
To do these things whose mind stands bent,
Shall stand unmov'd eternally.