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Pamphilus speikis to Anus.

Your laud and praise, in all partis dois apeir,
Ane gud commend, of all men ye resaue,
Quhilk is the caus, that maid me to cum heir,
Your gud consent, and counsall for to craue:
I will beseik, your gud will to consaue,
My wourds, quhilk I am mindit to fulfill,
Let na man heir, quhat we twa spokin haue,
Without it be, with my consent and will,
My nichbour Galathae, that lustie maid,
Quhome weill ye ken, and with hir oft hes bene,
Sche sais hir selfe, hir lufe is on me laid,
Gif so be nocht, I am begild I mene:
I am compeld, my toung for to retene,
So faine from troubils, I wald fle abak,
I am in feir, sum perrill me preuene,
For I feir all thing, that may danger mak.
Ane bruit will cum, but of ane litle cace,
Yit in mens mouthis lang time it will remaine,
Howbeid, it lie and lurke ane litle space,
Be oft report, it will spreid out againe:
Small thing prouokis, pure caitife men to paine,
A thousand ils fast fallows thame with speid,
The wark and labour, quhilk hes vexit my braine,
Is yit in danger, gif it sall succeid.
Sen of my troublus stait, ye haife ane feil,
By your auice, the same may be adrest,

Beseiking you, to couer and consceill,
The falts and spots, quhairwith I am pocest.

Anus answers to Pamphilus.

Ane vther lufis, that quhilk thou lufis thy sell,
And that thou seiks, ane vther seiks thairtill,
Yit not the les, this meikill I the tell,
Into the mater, he wantis my gudwill:
The man is gud anewch, I say na ill,
And seruis ane honest wife, I you assure,
Bot yit, the gift he offerd to fulfill,
Did me displeis, becaus it wes so pure.
He promisd me till exercise my schift
Auld clais, and clokis my mister till haife bet,
Bot sic a small propine and nochty gift,
Did make my dewty to be cleane foryet:
Gif giftis be giuin in time, quhilk are to get,
It makis ane vantage, for to follow sine,
Richt law we see, peruertit is, and set,
Be budis and bribis, and be the awin ingine.
Nane will her get, the truth I you declair,
Bot be my moyen and gudwill, I mene,
For sche wes my familiar euer mair,
And at my biding, sche hes euer bene:
I am hir gider, as it may be sene,
Quha kens hir sacreitis baith in gud and ill,
Na thing vnto hir persoun, dois pertene,
That can be done by my awice and will.
I speik na mair, how euer the mater beis,
Sum vther caris, dois all my body bind,
Let ilkane, gang thair awin gait as thay pleis,
To seik support, quhair thay the same may find.